Massively imbalanced in favor of the rich

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by niddhog, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Thbigchief

    Thbigchief I need me some PIE!

    - He' confusing "successful" with "I, as a singular person on the planet, like it".
  2. PharumM

    PharumM Member

    diablo 3 was bad game becouse it wasint what people wanted and still isint there is poor alternative to diablo 3 that is the reason for its sales not to mention nostalgia from dialo 1 and diablo 2 had some impact
    now after new loot system game is bit better but still its garbage
    its not about graphic its about level design in d1 and d2 there was no chance of having same level each new game play
    in d3 there is no way to achive diferent level and becouse of this game is extremaly boring watching same levels over and over again while you pointlesly grinding toward max level and then grinding over the max level to reach godilike state of magick find.
    and if you try telling me that there are alternatives to d3 like path of exile or torchlight
    its not
    besides nostalgia wins every time.

    and lets face it d3 wasint good at relese its better now but still isint good

    oh and let me enlighten you about lerning curve of PoxNora it is a image from one of my very beloved games eve online and i agree 100% pox isint rich oriented its just hard

    i would put poxnora just under the haging corpses
    Dnarius likes this.
  3. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    One player who happens to be a billionaire could make sure the game is financially successsful and yet still be utter crap.
  4. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    EVE sucks, though. Oh well. Comparisons.
  5. Saka

    Saka The King of Potatoes

    It's not I have to convince you why diablo 3 was a bad game, it's the opposite; you'll have to try pretty hard to convince why diablo 3 wasn't a bad game...


    From what I heard about EVE, it is freaking amazing in mechanics, but I haven't had the time try :|
  6. Zenity

    Zenity Devotee of the Blood Owl

    EVE is fantastic, and it got a more gentle new player experience than Pox Nora (which of course is comparable to saying that being beheaded is a better experience than being stoned to death). If I had no life, I'd still be playing EVE.
  7. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    I played EVE quite a bit and went away underwhelmed. Community is full of little pricks that think they got some elitism going, but most assuredly don't. Its also woefully unptimized, and the large-scale combat is rather sad. Alphastrike, alphastrike, alphastrike, exiting. The good part is the economy. Thats it though.
  8. PharumM

    PharumM Member

    eve is quite alright and its hard to keep stable 500v500 or 1000v1000 battle or more when there is 10-20-30k on one server not like other games where you got realms or shards
    and i dont know what kind of community you had contact with :d but mine was gr8
  9. Lubanja

    Lubanja Member

    You didn't give any reasons. All you are doing is calling the game 'garbage' and 'boring'. That doesn't make Diablo 3 a bad game, I'm sorry.

    And if you are calling the end game of Diablo 3 grindy, well I want to ask you, what online game has an endgame that ISN'T a bit grindy?

    The fact that so many people even make it to the end game is proof enough that the game is solid. Sorry it doesn't live up to your unrealistic expectations.

    I'll never be able to convince you to look with your own eyes objectively at something, and to stop relying on the opinion of some reddit thread as the end-all-be-all of how to tell if a game is good.
  10. PharumM

    PharumM Member

    realy ? poor level design isint reason walking over and over the same levels with diferent difuculty ?
    presure on grind isint reason isint the reason ? and man we do not talk about litle grindy its like omfg grind.
    crapy loot system where even if you would be lucky enough to grind up legendary item after days of gameplay that legendary is crap thats just not right
    unadjusted dificulty level till months/years ltr
    promised pvp - mmm where ?
    creating auction house in the first place

    i could make a huge list of reasons why d3 isint what it should be
    but there is no point
    D3 is a sin that is all
  11. Redashes

    Redashes The King of Potatoes

    i have most of all the runes in IS UD and ST and i play very bad still. Its not all the OP runes its the player although i do feel some runes could use a bit most explanation to them on how they work for a full understanding.
  12. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    I know this nothing to do with anything but the 2.0 patch that recently came out for diablo 3 has been nothing short of amazing by my standards. I fully plan on buying the expansion on the 25th.
  13. Paper Skull

    Paper Skull I need me some PIE!

    "Massively imbalanced in favor of the rich"

    I get the feeling that this statement is pretty much true of life in general.
    Goyo likes this.
  14. Dolphinllc

    Dolphinllc Member

    Magic the Gathering is a hugely popular and successful game - and it does it by offering zero free to play experience. There are no free starter decks, no card forge, and no single rune store. There are different rarity of cards, which can cost tens of dollars for a single playable card, and several hundred for cards that are out of print and in demand.

    Pox Nora never billed itself as a free game. It billed itself as a turn based strategy game with units obtained through a collectible card type mechanic.

    Just like in MtG, you can build very cheap efficient decks and focus on one or two things and pound the enemy hard in those areas - or you can spend hundreds of dollars to build a deck/battlegroup that is completely customized to how you want to play with the exact combos and counters you want.

    I concentrated on 3 factions - and as such, I have tons of exos/legs from those 3 factions but almost none from the others. Does that guarantee me a win? Not at all. A bad rune matchup, a mistake on my part, a spell that I didnt anticipate, simply being overwhelmed - anything that can cause an all common deck to lose can also cause an all legendary deck to lose.

    The only thing I would change is making gold a currency able to be traded on the trader. When we had credits oh so long ago - it feels as though people were not so standoffish in their trades - now it seems that everyone just spams the trader trying to get gross overbids and don't accept anything less. If gold were accepted as a trade-value, it would vastly stabilize the trader market and allow people to actually work their way up from rune to more rare rune.
    Emries and Rapidice like this.
  15. Emries

    Emries Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I agree with basically all of this post as well. New players going into pox expecting it to be completely free to play aren't going to be pleased to find out otherwise but pox has never advertised itself to be completely free to play either. When I introduce someone to pox, I make sure to tell them so and they have no problems with it afterwards. Having gold as a tradable resource should prove to stimulate the trader as well since it's pretty much stagnant now.

    What I don't agree with is you reminding me my Death & Taxes MTG deck costed thousands XD
  16. Thbigchief

    Thbigchief I need me some PIE!

    - Pfft fight me in real life "rich guy emries" ... I'd still scrub you with my ancient 60 card white deck. Get Serra'd.
  17. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    I'm ok with legacy and extended staples reaching insane prices, but when things like JtMS were in standard and hitting $100+.. wow.
  18. Emries

    Emries Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Actually got pretty lucky with my Box in this block. Got a Sphinx's Revelation foil and Deathrite Shaman foil.
    But yeah Legacy lands go for insane amounts of money. Dat port man, dat port XD
  19. KTCAOP

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    At the same time, the thing with MtG are three things that I see.

    1) It is fairly easy for a player to "share" or allow his friends to "test" the game using his own cards and play a match against himself. When I started playing MtG and YuGiOh and other card games of the like, I never bought cards to begin with because my friends would offload their spares on me and we could have some fun casual matches so I could get into the game.

    2) Off of one and yes, I have the potential to be biased in this part but I do believe it is important because of the physical nature of the cards, there are can be successful card pools where new players can go and basically pick up some of the more cheaply available cards. Because it takes up physical space, cards can be donated, shared, given freely whereas here, the runes stay on your account, and if you want to leave the game, you aren't burdened by the constant reminder of a shoebox taking up room in your cupboard.

    3) MtG is successful and well known - I don't know if you could take an MtG clone and cause it to be successful today. The best way to become successful is to be successful, the best way to become well known is to become well known. Because it has gained popularity, it has become more popular.

    I mean, I understand that PoxNora can only be compared to other games to make comparisons and anecdotes, even though most of us understand that Pox doesn't fully compare well to many other games, but yeah.
    Zenity likes this.
  20. Dolphinllc

    Dolphinllc Member

    I totally understand what you are saying, and agree with everything. I am very much in agreement that the player gathering, introduction, friend making, learning to play, etc are in need of dire attention. However, I believe that these issues are separate from the issue regarding "pay to play" and such. My point was that while many people are saying that since Pox Nora is not a free to play game, or at the least favors people who spend money, that it can't be successful. I was pointing out that there are multiple huge gaming franchises out there that beg to differ. In fact - if the game didn't bring in money some how, it wouldn't exist.

    Obviously, as you pointed out, you can't just create a game, charge money for it, and be profitable. You need to reach people, and develop the following that MTG, Yu-gi-Oh, Pokemon, etc have. Sony Online unfortunately did not follow up with Octopi's advertising, and aside from Steam, lost out on what could have not only been an influx in players, but a huge boost to Pox Noras reputation within the TCG and Turn Based Strategy worlds as people see the name advertised.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2014

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