My battle with Bounce

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Apostate, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. Apostate

    Apostate I need me some PIE!

    So there I was....knee-deep in the trenches against @Agirgis1 . My witches.bad were giving him a wallop, a real run for his money if you know what I mean. It may have seemed like I was at a disadvantage with most of my units dead and most of his units.....not dead but I assure you, all the chess pieces were in position.

    Then came that fateful moment:
    My Inkblight surged to close the distance between her and the Goblin Tearbringer when she was rebuffed by the doomorb's bounce. "No matter" I whispered, self-assured "I'll just close the distance and seal the deal."

    *Your champion is engaged and unable to move*

    Panic sets in, I start babbling in the battlechat about this. "Glurbawarble!" I sputtered "I am unable to move my Inkblight Witch and reassume my victorious conquest dear @Agirgis1 !" Unsure of what to do next, I simple kept trying to move her to no avail. I tried clicking other units and then back to her with the same results. She was alone with a roughly three space breadth between her and any other unit. I was

    *Your champion is engaged and unable to move*

    "You win this day!" I mutter smugly. "Rest easy knowing that next time we battle, I'll....probably lose again. It'll be closer next time! And not due to malfunctions."

    The moral of this story is: Bounce acts funny and may be bugged.
    Sirius, mw24, Qucas and 3 others like this.
  2. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    That's still better than DCing when you have all fonts and the opponent already transfigured. Then after going back to the lobby, the Resume button for reconnecting do not work. #falsehope

    At least you're not wasting as much time as 95% of the game.......zzzzz
  3. Agirgis1

    Agirgis1 Forum Royalty

    TLDR Agirgis is a l33tHacker
  4. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

    +1 for the descriptive story.
  5. GemmaXylia

    GemmaXylia Forum Royalty

    Bounce is all kind of weird. Also vs agirgis (I sense a theme here) I cast swap in order to swarm his doomy. However he had activated bounce on the unit it was due to swap with. Technically they would never actually be engaged.. but I think swap works by moving the enemy champ to your location, and then your champ to the enemy location.

    Either way, it triggered bounce so my ant ended up somewhere between the two spaces and the doomy didn't move.

    Moral of the story: Bounce>Swap
  6. Agirgis1

    Agirgis1 Forum Royalty

    Anima26 and Qucas like this.
  7. Bellagion

    Bellagion I need me some PIE!

    agirgy confirmed for DDOSing Riot's servers. take his runes and give to me please.
    Anima26 likes this.

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