Not Good

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by Nite2kill, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    It's possible, but she'd probably become a support rule and have more than Blockade.
  2. Nyanta

    Nyanta I need me some PIE!

    after looking at the other hero's serkan is among the group of the least viable there are some heros that seem to be quite good
  3. Nite2kill

    Nite2kill I need me some PIE!

    She was support anyway - at least for me she was

    Oh I still don't understand why all Zombies don't have ZA as well as Vamps Don't have bleed to base
  4. mortemdeus

    mortemdeus Member

    Did anybody else notice that almost every vampire lost life siphon or has to trade it for bleed?

    Also, the dark knight has warding as an upgrade...and because of lich-born...
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2014
  5. Gaedel

    Gaedel I need me some PIE!

    Bloodworm - he really got stripped! Attack: Physical, Boon, +2 upgrades. That's it.
  6. mortemdeus

    mortemdeus Member

    I just cant believe he lost creep
  7. Tal3234

    Tal3234 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    yeah, bleed / life siphon Bgs are ... mmm "stupid".. broken...BAD
  8. Tal3234

    Tal3234 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Same Putrid creeper...he lost life siphon mates... oh boy, i must drink more beer for forgot this... :(
  9. Nite2kill

    Nite2kill I need me some PIE!

    Zombie Apocalypse

    out of 23 Zombies only Coragh, Festering Corpse, Lost Queen have ZA on base

    Zombie Behemoth,Wandering Zombie, Risen Moga, Mute Stalker, Fleshblight Zombie, Corrupted Guardian, Afflicted Corpse Have ZA as a upgrade

    so 13 other zombies are, for a lack of a better term, useless

    Crypt Guardian , Ghoul , High Warlock, Essence devour(troll?) are no longer Zombies and severely limited in use and stripped just about nakid
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2014
  10. Tal3234

    Tal3234 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Zombie BG is a joke... ... nothing is right whit this "rewamp".. oh man.. :(
  11. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Does fw still have shadestriker with deception and surge skelly or lich? Is ethereal soldier not 61 nora? The re-vamp changed everything gonna have to accept that and all heroes in every faction are pretty bad right now (except of course dirge cause sp never gets nerfed to hard). Although my biggest disappointment with fw was definitely bloodbinder count lost fury and dead zone voodoo which were two very awesome abilities and he got bloodbind what the f? Also lost spd and ranged and damage which sucks.
  12. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    And don't mess with me man ghoul was one of the few zombies i was really looking to insert in a zombie bg.
  13. Nite2kill

    Nite2kill I need me some PIE!

    Crypt Guardian was 1 of my favs - can tank and cause severe damage
  14. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    Follower lost heal...
  15. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    I feel your pain. I want to cry, but am too stunned.
  16. Demthedark

    Demthedark The King of Potatoes

    Yea, it's pretty terrible. Im bewildered about what to run.
  17. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    One role huh? How about their role was changed entirely. Did the devs even READ the forums!? So many champs lost what was considered to be the things that MADE THEM USEFUL AT ALL. Look at Forsaken Follower. Did ANYONE use her for summing? I didn't see it. People used her for healing. WHICH WAS REMOVED.

    Did I mention that Zombies just became crap? Or any number of other themes? Nerfing is NEVER the answer. It makes everyone unhappy and screws things up. It will always be better to update. Always.
  18. Gaedel

    Gaedel I need me some PIE!

    Forsaken Follower loses heal. This is HUGE! She is still Vulnerable. Don't think we'll see her much anymore. What abilities make her a "Forsaken Follower"? Pawn?
  19. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    They managed to kill both serkin and xulos too
  20. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    tell that to my 1-2RNG cyclonic fesh, and Shallaxy losing almost every one of her abilities

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