Poxnora Next Gen suggestion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 0ryuk0, Jun 19, 2020.

  1. 0ryuk0

    0ryuk0 I need me some PIE!

    Maybe if next gen pox has something like battle pass. You grind for cool skins and cool attack/ability animation effects of random runes.
    For example..
    Acid bomb, fire bomb, etc. They have default animation effects.
    If you reach a certain level on battle pass, you get a reward that you can wear better-looking-animation effects of these abilities. Same with other runes. Champs with better skins, spells with better animations, better relic designs. Just for aesthetics, you know. If you're playing Dota 2, you know what I mean.

    In ranked matches, every season should have at least 30 days?(or more) and then the rank resets again after the season ended. At the end of the season, you also get rewards based on your current rank.

    Would be cool also if there's a 'Guild Quest' mod.
    Guild quest missions.. what I'm thinking..
    Is a co-op mission.. needs 2 players to face a horde of enemy(AI) and defeat them.(I think this should have a larger map)
    And then Guild Quests ends every 5 days and gives rewards depends on your milestone. Every members in the guild can farm the quests for the milestone rewards. Of course the higher milestone, the greater the rewards are. So each match requires 2 members. For me this sounds fun, so 'Guild' has something else to do rather than just being a guild. Having a guild should have benefits. There is a list of top 10 guilds, but what do the guilds do? Are there any benefits from joining a guild? Or maybe I'm just missing out something. I don't see any benefits from joining a guild. I'm just suggesting this idea for more activities in the game. And also, for fun. Receiving these rewards from the 'Guild Quest' will also help the new players to achieve something new. Guild Quest expires in 5 days. To play the quest, a member should start a quest. A quests lasts 24hrs before you can start another quest. So, it depends on how many quests you get in 5 days. Of course the more your guild active is, the more milestones you get from each quests. A member can only play 1 quest each quests. If you already played the quest and finished it, you have to wait for until the quest time expires. This is to avoid playing quest all the time to get higher milestone and forget about ranked match. Lol. So you can only do 1 quest until the quest expires. You can go play ranked match while waiting for the quest to expire. When the quest expires, a player should start a new quest. We can choose a level of difficulty before we start a quest. The higher the difficulty is, the higher milestones you get. If you lose the match, you cannot rematch. You lose and you still get milestones, but lower milestones of course. So your guild have to talk about what difficulty are you going to play. In 5 days, the Guild Quest ends and you receive rewards based on your current milestone.
    I also suggest that guild members should only have a maximum of 20-25 members. The more you have members in the guild, the more you get milestones! But they should be all active to get the best rewards! :)
    Anyway.. I hope the best for Pox! I hope to see it alive again!
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2020
    chickenpox2 and aseryen like this.

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