Russia attacks Ukraine :o

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by KingJad, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Getting a little too direct there BansheeX.
    Keep it clean and on topic. No racial or ethnic slurs. No intentional trolling, but joking around is fine. Thoughtful discussions are welcome (until someone ruins it for everyone). Hey, my Pizza post set the bar for the extent of off-topic. If a thread gets out of control it can always be locked or deleted.
    soulmilk likes this.
  2. Monroid

    Monroid I need me some PIE!

    If they accept help from Russia, then Putin would surely send resources to ensure that Maduro stays in power, and so establishing an alliance in South America to possibly spread to Colombia, and even Brazil, maybe.
  3. Nexx

    Nexx I need me some PIE!

    Don't you guys think that maybe Savage Tundra would've beaten Russia a little faster? Or maybe UD in UCaine. ~Pun Intended~
  4. Shimaru

    Shimaru Devotee of the Blood Owl

    That's the question: can Russia afford to send troops to Venezuela? IIRC, Venezuela sells a lot of petrol to the u.s., is their main source of money, so I would bet Obama and cia would not take kindly Russia having military presence there. And I am pretty sure Putin is aware of this, is not the first time both nations clash because one is trying to move their troops into some strategic territory. Combined with the whole invasion thing, Russia would be in a seriously tight situation if they attempt to do that.
  5. stfn

    stfn Member

    This will not blow over into a World War. This morning Putin held a press conference where he declared the new Ukrainian government an illegitimate group and refuses to recognize them or any elected official while they are in power. Under this notion the Budapest Memorandum is nullified from the coup. Meanwhile he emphasized Crimea's legitimately elected parliament in 2010 which may be a push for the Crimea to secede from Ukraine. He warns the West while bringing up their unjustified invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya while calling his own actions humanitarian. He continues to deny ever deploying troops or plans to go to war but maintains he is ready to stabilize the country.

    Keep in mind Putin knows the consequences of an unjustified invasion. He denies the 6500 troops wielding Russian weapons driving Russian vehicles are Russian. He claims they are Crimean militia protecting their own land. It appears he is posturing for the annexation of Crimea under the guise of liberation. The Euromaidan marked the end of a pro Russian Ukraine and he took what he can.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2014
  6. Shimaru

    Shimaru Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Russia reports ballistic missile test amid Crimea tension.
  7. stfn

    stfn Member

  8. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    So him n
    Why does this instanly makes me draw parralels between Putin and Adolf Hitlers takeover of Austria?
  9. stfn

    stfn Member

    Putin himself made a mention of Hitler in the video if I recall, which is interesting.
  10. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    Pretty sure I just got to let loose some of my kanen alphas to appease the situation at hand.

    as aforementioned, yesterday commodities JUMPED up high in the global index. gold and cpo. cpo not sure, wasnt following .. gold +2.5% at 9AM in the mournin(?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!), tats rare.

    traders are really making a lot of money shortselling commodities positions.

    Possible chances that either Russia, Ukraine, or the U.S. would get their fair share of the profit from this market-moving speeches and videos? Pretty dayum high of a chance, if I might say.

    either way, theres just no way a large-scale, infectious War-minded euphoria is going to happen. roflmao. that'd be economically devastating to the whole world. wouldn't be allowed to happen.
  11. oyo97

    oyo97 I need me some PIE!

    here if this helps with your questions:
  12. soulmilk

    soulmilk I need me some PIE!

    Politics is a very awesome thing to talk about with people from all around the world since we get to know what others views are on things.
    Religion should be okay to be talked about as long as no one starts insulting others, though I am not sure what religious topics would be discussed except in game stuff taking inspiration from religions.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2014
  13. KTCAOP

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    Either side can be the one to stop it =P. I'd say for this type of topic, it should at least contain either new information or a reply/thought to keep it moving forward.

    Edit - All I'm saying that it takes two people to get into a fight and into an argument, a lesson I learned personally with my family. This isn't physical space where that means that the person that decides not to engage is going to get pummeled, either, in fact, it's usually the opposite. But if all you are going to get to is a "He started it" and one or two liners designed just to attack a person, not the position or on the topic, then that doesn't give any positive or benefits to either side, it's a lose/lose situation, neither side really looks better. I apologize that the original line was not balanced, I have edited to be more so.

    However, I have not been keeping up at all with the situation. Have there been any comments on this outside of the USA and Russia?
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2014
  14. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Uh, double standards used by the West like usual.

    "omg russia is helping russians in Cremia to defend themselves, release the hounds now!"

    Meanwhile the rest of us is 'bringing democracy' to every country out there that does things we don't slightly approve of
  15. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Removed posts that were causing this to go way off-topic. Stay on topic in the off-topic forum threads.
  16. Tidus

    Tidus New Member

    I think they should just settle it with a good old 1v1 Pox match.

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