Suggested Changes for Menalaus, his minions, etc.

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by Staxover, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. Staxover

    Staxover Member

    This message is for the DOG devs. I think Menalaus needs the following change. Drop Magic Nova 1 and Heal Mass 2 from base stats and give him Prognostication. Also, change Elven Page to Nora Cost 80 and give him Reveal Hero: When this unit is played, Menalaus is revealed in the rune dock. This will give these units more play time and better synergy without taking away from Mena's typically selected upgrades.
  2. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!

    Mena is fine dude... he's always been one of the best heroes (arguably the best). i agree that elven page needs a change/buff but most of the heralds do. ive always hated how some of the heralds gave different abilities depending on which hero was out... but menalaus page is only for menalaus. i mean, it makes sense because her name does have menalaus in it... but still.
    Xirone and Pedeguerra like this.
  3. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Yeah, Menalaus is pretty darn good as he is. Magic Nova 1 is kind of a sandbag ability but you'll find uses for it in a few games. The devs are supposedly revamping the champs to make them simpler so I would probably assume Magic Nova 1 would go away (without a new ability to replace it).

    Edit: Page is pretty bad. I don't think I could ever say that about a champ with Divine Favor.
  4. Staxover

    Staxover Member

    No, he needs Prog. MN 1 is useless for its Nora Cost. HM 2 is almost never used because people select HM 3 all the time. Give him some more defense and remove the unused ones.
  5. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!

    dont forget, menas cost has been reduced once already.
  6. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    What more defense does he need? He's already got Shielded, Regen, 7 range, and Immunity - Magical, not to mention his equip gives him +10 HP and even more absurd range. He may not be the best hero in the game, but he is without a doubt one of the safest. Mena needs no buffs.

    Now, when it comes to Elven Page, I could definitely see some buffs are in order. Prognostication would actually suit her really well; perhaps turn her into a range 2-4 unit with Attack - Magical.
  7. Staxover

    Staxover Member

    Here we go again. The same old arguments about why he should not be changed. This is just like the typical community from before at Sony, people who want to regulate how champs are used. Mena has been relegated to only being some sniper behind a wall of meat. The dude is a hero who should be able to take on a few melee champs, but he gets ousted when the wind blows in the wrong direction against even one. Of course, Mena is good as he is if he continues to play only that role. But why can he not be used for another role? Prog would allow him some means of doing that. Why are we always so against reinvisioning different roles for champ runes, especially heroes? Please try to think outside the box.

    What more defense does he need? You and I both know that those defenses listed, Regen 1 and Shielded, do not do much against melee champs.
  8. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Is this guy ^ Prami?
  9. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I don't think so, but he's incredibly fixated with menalaus being in need of a buff
  10. Tarathil

    Tarathil Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Think I might be the only one who likes the current Page and her role..
  11. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    The only buff Menelaus needs are some cute dryad and nymph honey's in his photo...and maybe less beard.
    dsjtheman likes this.
  12. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    You seem to be suffering from some delusion that Mena should be good vs. range AND melee. If you knew anything about the game, you'd realize that such champions (i.e. those who can fill several roles equally well) are terrible for balance, and even worse for design. And fyi, Mena is already good vs. range and melee; his minimum range of 2 sees to that. If melee units engage him, he can simple move 1 space away and keep blasting them. Having to keep him safe from multiple melee units is what helps balance him out. Not like he should ever be in melee at all, but anything is possible. The bottom line is, Mena needs no buffs of any kind, and attempting to shift his role away from that of sniper would require a complete redesign. No decent KF player would ever let Mena become to focus of several melee champs, and even if he had Prognostication, it would hardly keep him safe from a determined assault.
  13. nico

    nico I need me some PIE!

    mena its fine, elven page need a buff, at least reduce the nora cost, but come on people of the forest, why you always ask to buff champs that alredy are runeable? do you want all your champs bean like garu den mother? and think, you dont even ask to buff a shoebox, you are asking to buff one of the best heros
  14. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!

    one person asked for a buff... dont accuse the whole community over one persons thread.
  15. Karmavore


    Mena Is fine, the only thing id like to see is a version of magic bomb but have the dmg scale like cone abilities 40/60/80 that would be cool. Instead of magic nova.
  16. Staxover

    Staxover Member

    Hey Nico, DSJ is right. This is one player's quest. The whole community of "Kthir" is certainly against me. Jazz, you are wrong. Prog would give him that, but thank you for the personal attack about not knowing anything, another great feature of this community, "beat down those with differing opinions." Nonetheless, Mena needs a change. What I am requesting is not a buff but a change. Removing MN1 and HM2 and giving Prog is hardly buffing him, and it is an appropriate change if you read the lore about him since he is a pacifist until pushed. This is simply making more use of a skill set and removing the useless ones. Prog allows Mena to stave off would be meleer's so that he can maneuver and attack with a little support from a lower level champ like Page without the major contribution of a meat champ like a Boa. I understand how he is played; and I watch others play him; but no one uses him as a hero, just as a sniper.

    Make this hero into a Hero DOG, please.
  17. kagebunshn

    kagebunshn I need me some PIE!

    mena is totally fine. 16 damage 2-8 range on an 8 speeder. Immume to 2nd most common damage type, with blessed and +10 hp. In faction that autoincludes treefolks blessing and catharsis bloom, and multiple DF 3 champs.

    Maybe we should give him No Kan Do2 and oblivion shield just to be safe...and drop his nora coat to 75 thats more fair...
  18. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    You completely missed the point of my post; he doesn't NEED what you're suggesting. Key word here is "need". Mena is not in NEED of a change, as he is able to function quite competently without Prognostication. You call Heal Mass and Magic Nova useless, but what you're ignoring is that those abilities add to his utility without overcompensating his role as a sniper. Magic Nova 1 is bad, yes, but that's why he has rank 3 as an upgrade. If you want him to do better vs. melee, then take that upgrade! Heal Mass 2 isn't the best of healing abilities, but again it's not entirely moot. Because it's an AOE heal, you can potentially restore a large amount of HP spread out over several champs. It may only be 6 HP, but in the grand scheme of things the total healing is somewhere around 18 HP. Heal more champs, and it becomes more efficient.

    You also totally ignored my point about one champion filling more than one role. Having a 7 range unit with the damage potential of Mena also be able to survive in prolonged melee encounters is bad for both balance and design. With these arguments in hand, and you presenting nothing more than some vague diatribe about making Mena more of a hero, I believe the personal attacks are called for. Call a spade a spade, and an idiot an idiot; that's my motto.
    Xirone and Karmavore like this.
  19. RedDain

    RedDain I need me some PIE!

    Mena is fine -- the ONLY possible change he could use would be a VERY SLIGHT drop in cost , but that would ONLY apply if the current general state of the metagame does not change dramatically.
  20. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    Honestly, prognostication would be pretty worthless on menelaus. For a 100+ nora rune with that level of damage and range, it would almost never make sense to waste his ap on moving close enough to use prog. It would leave him too close to the enemy, or you'd waste ap getting there and back again to safety. Moreover, it doesn't help him disengage. I think the rune is fine. The ONLY change I'd make (and this is the reason I don't use menelaus or a number of other heros) is that I'd either normalize the costs of hero equips or eliminate them and build their abilities into the hero's baseline abilities. Using 2 deck slots blows!!!! I'd make that change for every hero, not just menelaus.

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