Suicide Squad (FW/SP?)

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by Joker, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. Joker

    Joker I need me some PIE!

    So, suicide squad movie is coming, and, while I wait, I might as well fanplay it on poxnora.


    Basically, things should go Boom! here, especially your things. Our Suicide Squad consists of the best kamikazi out there: Bile Zombie, Elsari Siren and Voidhowler. They are the stars here. (Edit: I was dumb and didn't include Moga Sappers. Consider it.)

    In case things don't go Boom! enough, these guys will back you up: Moga Boom! Vendor and G'hern Juggler. They will ensure your exploding meter is always high.

    Yard Skeletons, Br Bones and Magistrate's revenants. These guys are the plan B. In case one of your kamikazies explodes wrongly, you'll have to suicide one of these guys instead.

    Anthropomancer, Cultist and Ruubgaal: They like death , so do them a favor and keep them around when the Boom! happens.

    Essence Devourer is the last resource, use it only if you want to kill your own guys to give your opponent a chance.

    Oh! Voil Transporter! Well, besides having difficulties filling the deck with SP runes, I also had to include Relocate: Ally. I guess G'hern Thrower also works.

    Suggestions (strongly) accepted.

    Disclaimer: I am not a SP player, I mainly main FW. Thus, I don't know all the SP runes, so if I missed one that has sinergy with this deck, please comment below!

    Disclaimer 2: This deck is terrible, It just happens I have a lot of free time in this particular month.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2016
    Rubydrak likes this.
  2. Rubydrak

    Rubydrak New Member

    First of all, I like your deck! The decks I like the most are those that have a particular, unusual objective. I have a few questions:

    • Why not death harvester, since you're using real champs and not summons?
    • Wait... Why are you using real champs for this? Why not summons?
    • Have you considered including something with soul siphon?
    • I do't have lich magistrate and g'hern juggler, can I include 2x moga sappers instead?
    • I honestly think g'hern thrower is better than voil transporter (we have a few mogas as well)
    • Can this be made with FW/something else?
  3. Joker

    Joker I need me some PIE!

    Glad you liked the deck! I mostly play unusual stuff like this, and my relic/equipment based decks.
    • A great player named Kalasle explained to me why death harvester is not as good as it looks like, especially if all you have is a lot of cheap champs, because it returns nore based on %. However, if you want to include it, I think you can do some work with him. You can find the discussion here:
    • Because Death Charged and Suicidal attack needs the champ to be real. Along with that, I also considered adding other champs like High Warlock for "ravish" (needs the champ to be real) and Collection of Souls (also needs to be real)
    • In Fw/Sp, our options are Aspect of Chaos (Bad, won't do much for us) and Collection of Souls. Collection didn't make it to the final deck, mostly because he takes too much time to do anything. If you only play against the UI, then consider adding this guy, but he won't do much against players that are rushing/aggressive.
    • Lich Magistrate is optional, but G'hern Juggler is important, he's the one with grant: Death Nova, and, if you do include moga sappers, he has overseer. You can, however, cut Havoc's Touch for the second moga sapper. This spell is here mostly because I didn't know what SP runes to include.
    • He might be, requires some testing.
    • Yes, with UD you have better access to "mark of the hunter" and more options for "soul siphon". The UD faction bonus, however, is irrelevant in this deck. This is basically a personal choice, but SP still has core runes, especially those who grant: death nova.

      Important Note: Abilities that have the word "sacrifice" shouldn't be considered; they don't trigger on-death effects.

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