Terorism strikes Florida

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by StormChasee, Jun 12, 2016.

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  1. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Yes, but Obama is considered "disrespectful" of the military, and the contention is that Obama doing this for gays and not soldiers is a problem.

    Historically, while individual states may honor active members, it hasn't really been done on the national level. Pragmatically, that'd mean the flags would be lowered almost every day, or else the President would have to be subjectively selective about which service members to honor... so not exactly realistic.

    Even still, Republicans (both politicians and individuals), attack Obama on the flag lowering thing each time he does lowers the flag for something... or when he doesn't.
  2. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    The government came to take their guns, most complied then were slaughtered. Makes perfect sense not to comply.
  3. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Okay, I'll help you out. There was a time where the US military ran around and massacred armed native tribes despite them being armed, due to the military being far larger and far superior in training and arms. You would be the tribes and the military would still be the military if you ever tried to "stand up against the gubbermint with arms" or some bullshit like that. Understand now?
  4. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    No Obama is ruining the country because he fails to get off his "ban-guns" rant every time there is a shooting when he should say these attacks are a result of terrorism and hate speech coming from mosques and Islamic leaders preaching hate. Have you noticed that a majority of the shootings have been executed by Islamic extremists? People think Obama is failing because he cares more about shutting down investigations into mosques because it is considered "singling out muslims". Outrageous to shut down investigations into mosques that are reported to be inspiring these shootings. How much more transparent does this have to be? I mean this guy says gays should die.

    Article about Obama shutting down investigation into Orlando mosque.
  5. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Well, okay, I think that's enough. Ignored.
  6. Comissar

    Comissar I need me some PIE!

    I couldn't find any up to date numbers with a brief search (and as mentioned earlier in this thread, I lack the time for anything else currently), but as of 2005 only 7% of mass shootings were carried out by Islamic extremists in the USA. If you have numbers to back up your claim that the majority are of Islamic origin, then share them.

    If you're arguing that hate speech should be shut down wherever it crops up, then yes, I agree. It's by no means a phenomena unique to Islam, though. There are numerous groups within the Christian community who will gladly call for the deaths of LGBT+, and the frankly infuriating 'outrage' apparently showing up due to Obama acknowledging the loss of life highlights how slowly things improve for that community.

    It was incredibly depressing to learn while I was looking into this that there have been more mass shootings in the USA in the last year than there were days in the year. The unrestricted access to guns is frankly terrifying to me, and I cannot for the life of me understand how you can feel safe knowing people casually walk around with tools designed specifically to end lives without having to go through any kind of substantial vetting procedure.
    BurnPyro, Atherhog and Boozha like this.
  7. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    When you all have a chance compare the actions of the Jimmy Carter administration to the Barrack Obama administration. Pretty sad how we are repeating history with ineffective policies that are getting people killed. Compare 1979 Tehran, Iran Hostage crisis to 2012 Benghazi attack. Tehran=Benghazi. Both embassies were destroyed because of sissy la la democratic policies. Is Barrack Obama a worse version of Jimmy Carter?
  8. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    There are far more citizens in the US that have guns than there are soldiers in the military. Soldiers also tend to have more of a problem using force against their own population than a race they commonly considered inferior.
  9. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2016
    BurnPyro likes this.
  10. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    No, those soldiers are hardly thinking about what they are doing. Or did anything stop the military from shooting up miners or students in the past?

    Also, if you think you could possibly mobilize more people than the US military has into an unified force ... uh, no, that is not going to happen, ever. Most will be just fine with being complacent whatever happens, most of the rest will not stand up because of fear, most of those that are left will be strewn across the country, uncoordinated, underarmed and generally useless.
    Geressen likes this.
  11. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Far right is so removed from reality, theyve effectively become a parody of themselves.

    So sad
  12. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Oh and Benghazi?

    Stop watching Fox News. Reports have shown that nor obama nor clinton was at fault. God damn
  13. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Wounded knee was just a proto US-police shooting:
    "hey this guy isn't giving up his gun, let go of it, Let goooo *PEW* SHOTS FIRED THEY"RE COMING RIGHT AT US! KILL ANYTHING NOT WEARING A UNIFORM"

    "The people will rise up" is a common libertarian fantasy, just look at what happened with the Oregon wildlife refuge, remember that wet fart?

    Anyways lets talk about the other thing in Florida, alledged terrorist suspect Alli Gator.
    Now I get that we are racist towards alligators and that they all look the same to us but apparently they now found and killed 4 aligators none of which had 2 year old in them.

    Famous Florida alligator Igor of buffalo creek golf course refused to comment on the situation.
  14. JellyBerry

    JellyBerry Forum Royalty

    It's funny how people argue about what should be changed when it comes to a particular issue. Situations like these are rarely simple and there's always more than one cause, that doesn't mean we have to isolate and pick/choose between possible solutions. Focus on every single factor and don't ignore these that may conflict with what YOU want.

    This is truly sad, these are the things guns are being used for in North America. Not to deter, nor self defense, but massacres.
  15. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    It always astounds me how people believe that when the US govt will go full corrupt/evil, that somehow owning a few guns will deter that. And let's not pretend that all of the US will somehow rise up as one, form a disciplined fighting force and match the US army. Ya'll get ********** over the thought, but you'd get wiped just as easily.

    In that situation, you're in the exact some position as all the opponents the US has had in recent years: farmers and civilians who have guns, perhaps with experience shooting them, against an organized US army fighting force. Yeah. Ought to be good.

    Can't wait till someone posts some pics of his tank and stealthbomber in his backyard, complete with anti missle shield to stop the US govt from taking control.

    At this point, the whole "i need guns to defend myself" argument is just a fantasy that people jack off to trying to get a few moments of hero fame, fueled by the NRA and it's corporate weapon industry machine backing. Where the Firk were all those good guys with guns in Orlando? Where were they when Christina Grimme was shot?

    Where the Firk have the good guys with guns been for the last few years when more than one mass shooting a day happened?

    Because if your guns aren't preventing (mass shootings) and we've established that there's a full 0.0% chance that you and your little gun collection aren't going to stop some US govt evil rise, than what good is it having such lacks gun laws?

    (I don't mean you specifically, just everyone who has this mindset of him heroically defending his property against the US army/trained forces like some nitwit in the 1750's against a few thugs. )
  16. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    You're right, civilians with guns don't have a chance to resist an organized military with all their equipment. I don't believe the government will ever go fully evil. I believe they're mostly corrupt already, but that's more about making money than taking rights away from citizens.

    As for where the people with guns are during many of the mass shootings, they are obeying the laws and not bringing their guns to the gun free zones.

    I fully agree that something more needs to be done to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people. I admit I don't know what that is, but I feel mass disarmament is the wrong way to go about it. I have no problem with mandatory background checks, registration, and even mental health assessment.
  17. Saandro

    Saandro I need me some PIE!

    This is looking more and more suspicious to me. Is anyone here from Orlando? Is it true the victims were carried to the club? Also this:

  18. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    If this is true a lot of things make sense to me now. Of course this sounds so crazy most ppl will immediately dismiss this kind of rhetoric.
  19. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    More conspiracy theories without factual evidence

    I now understand why Alex Jones is so popular amongst fellas with mental disadvantages
    Geressen and JellyBerry like this.
  20. Comissar

    Comissar I need me some PIE!

    You know, that has to be one of my favourite things about the modern internet. With minimal resources, and only the words of journalists to work from, anyone with a basic understanding of branding and video editing can uncover what actually happened in place of a tragedy, even though literally all global media outlets missed the clear signs that mean that's how things must work. And how awful that the shooting was staged to ensure gun laws could actually be put into effect. Imagine that, a country where there are more days in a year than mass shootings. How ever would we know that the U.S.A. was a first world country if not for the horrendous death toll?


    How. Fucking. Dare you brush aside the deaths of fifty fucking people, and the injuring of that many again. Are you so obsessed with this absurd idea that the government is out to get you that you have no empathy for the families and friends of those that died? Are you so deluded that you need someone to take you to see the victims yourself?

    I want to try and remain civil during these discussions. I try to approach them with a cool head, present facts and argue from a logical position. I get that not everyone takes the time to research a topic before talking about it, and I try to assume as much by talking from first principles if I need to. I will read and take the time to understand the point someone is trying to convey, even if their sources are not particularly good. But what you are doing is deliberately ignoring the facts in front of you to construct some elaborate fantasy where the world is out to get you. Everything that happens is all because there's someone biting at your heels, but you're smart enough to see it coming and hooray for you for being so brilliantly intelligent to know that.

    The argument you are trying to make is not just fundamentally flawed. It is not just lacking in any form of critical evaluation of what is before you. It is lacking basic human decency, it is dismissing the deaths of fifty people as being all for a political move that will, much to my personal frustration, almost certainly achieve nothing. And the reason nothing will change is because people like you enable these tragedies. You fight against gun legislation that would make these mass shootings a rarity rather than something to set your watch by. All because you see monsters hiding in shadows. It is beyond time for you to grow the fuck up and take some responsibility for what is going on in your country. Until you do, for as long as you search for any kind of scapegoat to pin mass shootings on other than your precious guns, they will not stop happening. And more and more families will have to pay in blood for the selfish decision you are making.
    Boozha, IMAGIRL, Geressen and 2 others like this.
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