Tortun Revamp Proposition

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by GabrielQ, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Skullferno

    Skullferno I need me some PIE!

    I 98% agree with Gabriel's words on this one and I find myself to be top 5 players in pox who uses torts the most.
  2. ProR2D2

    ProR2D2 I need me some PIE!

    Banditry seems a lot better than Tortun's trade in almost every situation as an upgrade choice on tortuns, even in a Full Tortun battlegroup. Tortun's trade change needs to happen.
  3. Skullferno

    Skullferno I need me some PIE!

    PRo, that's the sad part. Tortuns are known for their unique ability. Why get rid of that?
  4. ProR2D2

    ProR2D2 I need me some PIE!

    I guess banditry is for running them outside their theme which I think is fine. Sadly Tortun's Trade is so weak, banditry is the best choice even in a Full Tortuns bg.
  5. Shell Dorado

    Shell Dorado The King of Potatoes

    I definitely agree that there is some tweaking to do with the Tortun's early game. I maintain the belief that Tortun's should still have a challenging early game, but currently it still feels like some changes could bring better balance. So, I shall respond to each point in turn...

    [EDIT] After writing a full and thorough assessment on the first post, I found that you had updated all of it xD. So, in my rewrite to address the updated review, I may have been less detailed in my feedback (it's quite late here), but I shall try to be as thorough as possible.

    Tortun Captain: A solid assessment. Adding stronger utility to his upgrades and avoiding the decidedly 'auto-include' Accrue by increasing his speed would be a prudent change.

    Privateer Captain: Lockdown is sorely missed on this champion, and I agree that the nerf on his range was very detrimental.

    Tortun Battle Mystic: I agree with seeing a change to Path 2. Spellswallower/Tempo would be good additions, but Arrow Eater has always been the Mystic's point of interest.

    Tortun Corsair: I definitely agree that his range and his pistol shot are weird to be on the same champ. I think his paths are fine; I would recommend simply changing Pistol Shot to the detection he once had. Especially considering that Tortuns no longer have it as a race.

    Tortun Favored: The changes to the Favored made him feel a little more boring, so I'd like to see more active ability choices on him. The stat changes are a solid calculation, but I'd consider replacing Cleanse with his once-loved Flight on Track 2.

    Tortun Gunslinger: Agreed. Without Multiattack, the Gunslinger's combo is just not a logical option. Alternatively, since Barrage is the Broadside's schtick, I think I'd just like to see multiattack back on him.

    Tortun Portalmage: I have always loved the Portalmage. My only quandry is that Tortun's Trade is completely pointless on this champion with no attacks. No point in even having it on the track with the changes to TT.

    Tortun Repeater: His lack of range has really put him to a point where he's just not that useful anymore. The only time I ever run him is if I build a deck around Suppressive Fire and knockback, but even then, not a solid strategy. Overall, I like these suggested changes quite a bit. It would be cool to see a fresh take on the champ.

    Tortun Broadside: Feels like he's in a good place. Don't see any necessary changes.

    Tortun Galesinger: It's nice to see him finally look like something I would want to play. I really like the changes made to him.

    Tortun Inventor: While I'm really missing his relocating stealth, I can live with the changes here.

    Tortun Hamslammer: Still currently resides as one of the least viable melee torts. Still overcosted, and to rub it in, Multiattack and Pummel without Tortun's Trade : (

    Tortun Fishkisser: I actually really like the new Fishkisser. He feels like a good champ to combat the early game skirmishers that take the fonts away from us slow tortuns early game. Manic would be a good (and flavorful!) ability for him.

    Tortun Groundpounder: The addition of Crushing Blow was a welcome change. I feel like he's in a solid place.

    Tortun Minelayer: I agree that Detection should be base ability for the minelayer, and Relocate Relic / Grant Trap would be a lot more interesting than a path full of boulder traps.

    Tortun Mortar: Agreed, without accrue, 4 speed makes Mortars almost impossible to attack with reliably. I frequently find my opponents simply moving 1 tile to avoid my mortar, forcing him to move and waste a turn doing nothing.

    Tortalleon Gunbattery: Still doesn't feel like a champion worth using a slot in a deck. The rework you suggested would give him a good combination of ranged with close-ranged defensibly that really fits in the world of the Tortuns.

    Tortalleon Transport: This I have very little experience on, as I've almost never used the transport.

    Tortalleon Pygmy: Removing Combo:Devastate has left him as my least favorite melee tort. I liked the interesting challenge of finding ways to get Pygmy multiple attacks to pull of the combo with his low speed, but now he just feels like a boring wad of meat to throw at enemies.

    Overall, I really like a lot of these ideas. There is some good potential for changes in the future and I'll be looking forward to what's in store for Tortuns as the tweaks continue. As for a bit of my own input; I'd like to see the Tortalleons get their own sort of sub-culture within the Tortuns. As it stands, they don't quite feel like Tortuns, but they don't feel like they're unique.

    With the changes to Tortun's Trade that only require nearby Tortuns as opposed to nearby units with TT, I'd like to see Tortalleons get their own thing; even something as simple as making a point to give them all Tremor or Trample, being that they're all giant ship-sized murderturtles. I'd like to see that little touch that gives them a thematic identity.
    Alkioneus, Skullferno and GabrielQ like this.

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