Vote For Savage Tundra Player Council

Discussion in 'Savage Tundra' started by Senshu, Aug 1, 2014.


Select the player you think will do the best job representing the Savage Tundra faction.

Poll closed Aug 4, 2014.
  1. Goyo

    8 vote(s)
  2. Calisk

    35 vote(s)
  3. h0spy

    25 vote(s)
  4. Lushiris

    35 vote(s)
  5. Daeminicus

    0 vote(s)
  6. Entrepidus

    2 vote(s)
  1. Nexx

    Nexx I need me some PIE!

    Might aswell just elect me to run balance and what not all together, lmfao. Pretty sure I know what balance is, and I'd do a pretty good job at it too.

    But this isn't about me, stop arguing over who's currently winning the election. I would've loved to see you guys involved in the vote for Romney or Obama, shots would've been fired left and right, literally.

    Just because a person mains ST, doesn't mean they should be elected. ST is the most known faction for its zealots, deny that, and you've just shown to be new to the game. I know for myself, I mained ST for a year or so, and I sure would do a hell of a better job than Lushi or Calisk in terms of balancing, because I'm not a zealot and I wouldn't want to throw a faction into the ground.

    I'm going to give my observations out right here, clear a few things out, because I've been here since the third week of Pox's release;

    H0spy; A guy with a negative, and at the same time, positive fame. His swinging thoughts drive the lobby crazy, but at heart can be a pretty decent guy. Known who H0spy was for a long time, and he's had his ups and downs with me, but the guy can be trusted. He may not look like it, but when it comes to the idea of balance, he has the brains for it. Despite the fact he isn't a main ST player, he knows what's up. Take into consideration the fact that he doesn't play a single faction, which means he isn't a zealot. As a result, he won't overnerf or overbuff things, he'd balance those two out. No, I'm not kissing his a*s, I'm giving my point of view.

    Calisk; Pretty decent guy, he's a positive player. Remember having a few chats with him while having a game or two with him. Calisk has the mentality to play, but not to balance. He knows ST better than anyone else in term of playstyle, but again, not in balance. Calisk will always be a great player, but nevertheless, he is still a zealot and I can guarantee he'll overbuff the faction. Of course, he'll nerf a few things here and there, but he'll never take it to level of actual balance.

    Lushi; This guy's fairly new to Poxnora, and for the person who said this guy's been here since the days of Octopi, stop lying to yourself. I've been here long enough to tell you I've never seen Lushi online until DoGz took over. I was active on the forums and ingame, never seen him. Back to the main point; He is fairly new to Poxnora and probably doesn't know how the mentality of balance pans out, I could be wrong, but I'm sure other players know what to do to balance a specific rune more than Lushi. He may be an ST player, but that doesn't give him internal knowledge of the game. Lushi's a good mate, and I respect the guy, I just don't think he's cut out for a role like this.

    Balance doesn't just take skill with the faction, it takes the entire game into consideration, comparing specific runes to others to know why X is broken, and why Y isn't. Why does X provide this for this faction, and why doesn't Y play that role as well? How come X is considered to be a more viable pick than Y? Don't think that balance just takes gameplay of that specific faction to actually know how to balance it. Hell, look at BurnPyro, he doesn't main ST, and he sure as hell isn't the best ST player, but he definitely knows what to do to actually balance it out.

    Apologies if the above offended anyone, but I'm just speaking from a specific perspective, not the way I feel about said players.
    jeeperz2 likes this.
  2. jeeperz2

    jeeperz2 I need me some PIE!

    I don't even wanna go into what is wrong with you thinking h0SPY can't balance lol.. And Lushiris has been around since octopi days check his game history he pretty much played a game everyday since 07 lol.. I use to see him all the time but he didn't start to be a limited until probably just a month before revamp that's when I started to notice him more to but he has been around in truth. You play ST don't you? Its beyond me why you are voting h0SPY who is just gonna nerf the entire faction to the ground.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2014
  3. Nexx

    Nexx I need me some PIE!

    I've known h0spy long enough to know that he doesn't want Poxnora go to waste, don't bother telling me I'm wrong jeep, you're no better than the rest of the zealots. Just because I voted for a guy who isn't a zealot for ST doesn't mean things will go in the wrong direction. You're another ST player that wants ST buffed to heaven, some of us plan on keeping it balanced, not placing Calisk into the council so he can buff it more than it is, because ST is currently ridiculous. 38 Nora tusk? 67 nora Owl Raiders? 50 nora Arctic turtle? 58 nora Arcadons? Really? This Bane Shift's cheaper than SP and Calisk would only make it worse. Lush has no mentality when it comes to balance, though his play is fine. I used to play ST, a lot of Lonx, Frost Amp and Beasts. H0sp's intentions isn't to nerf the faction to the ground, as a matter of fact, I had a discussion with him not so long ago on skype to what he'd do for ST, and he mentioned some pretty good things. He doesn't want to go all zealotry on it, nor does he want to ruin Pox from the inside out, because if that happens, the thousands of dollars h0spy's spent on this game goes to waste. Just because he has a negative attitude doesn't mean his intentions consist of a dark aura.

    Oh and I'd like to highlight this specific part of your post: I don't even wanna go into what is wrong with you thinking h0SPY can't balance lol..

    Clearly this states that I don't think that h0spy can balance, when I actually believe that he can balance it without nerfing the faction to the ground. Just because you hate the guy doesn't mean you're making the guy seem like what he really isn't. H0spy's just as sick and tired of all these ridiculous bgs as we are, and he wants to throw some variety into the game, you on the other hand want 49 nora Arcadons and 15 nora Tusks. Get out man, you don't know who's cut out to balance and who's not.
    Vote Kanye 2020 likes this.
  4. Vote Kanye 2020

    Vote Kanye 2020 Better-Known Member

    Do you not have anything better to do with your life? Or is the only thing you got going for you a shitty little game in which you flame me all day on the forums? If so I believe you need to go out and idk, socialise. Dont even bother replying to this post aswell because im simply putting your troll ass in ignore. Have a good day bud.
    jeeperz2 likes this.
  5. jeeperz2

    jeeperz2 I need me some PIE!

    Funny I been called an FS zealot and a ST zealot next I will be called SP zealot xD, Yea ST needs balancing some themes are just out of line and I never said not to nerf things I just don't wanna see ST destroyed and look stupid underpowered. I don't think ST really needs any buff maybe to some shoeboxed champs and to make themes work better but that's it h0SPY isn't going to just nerf things he is going to kill things and that's not the type of person we need on the council either also consider the fact that he is negative about everything good. So Explain to me how Cas will make it worse? And do you even know Lushiris because first you said he is new.. Now you are saying he doesn't know anything about ST and I see you didn't say anything about how I told you he has been playing since 07 lol..

    When it all comes down to it if ST players really thought h0SPY would be as good as you say he is at balancing he would be wining.. He even went as far as to say his votes will start to go up once burn hopes on so he can help him get more votes with burns many fourm trolls lol. Telling you now the only people who are going for him are his friends and guildies. I see now that you are also part of there skype 5 xD LOL
  6. anahuac1

    anahuac1 The King of Potatoes

  7. Nexx

    Nexx I need me some PIE!

    You don't know what's behind the scenes and you simply make assumptions, which proves your ignorance. You should probably throw yourself off a cliff at this point, because your theories are as biased as the legends of the Bloody Mary. You don't even know what h0spy has in mind, yet you proceed to making assumptions. How much more ignorant can a human being be? Pretty sure you've topped the limit. And part of their skype 5? I'm the least one active on skype between them all. Again, proving that you make assumptions. We all whine, all of us do, tell me haven't you whined about trees? Because I know I've whined about both ST Beasts and Trees. Just because h0spy whines doesn't mean he's planning on taking the faction to the ground, none of us do, despite the fact on how much hate ST is getting, killing that faction would ruin the game.
    jeeperz2 likes this.
  8. jeeperz2

    jeeperz2 I need me some PIE!

    I mean if you were actually reading about what he was posting about last time he pretty much talked mostly about bringing down the ST power levels alot and I didn't even see ST beast mentioned however I did see nerfs for NKD mentioned and the only buffs he actually talked about were like 3 champs that really didn't need it at all. And you being part of that skype 5 at ALL is pretty bad lol.. I should throw myself off a cliff you say? Are you actually and ST player or an ST hater? I am sorry I don't know what is going on behind the scenes the truth is everyone says they are gonna do one thing in a point in time doesn't mean they are gonna do it buddy..
  9. anahuac1

    anahuac1 The King of Potatoes

    Well doesnt matter wat faction i play against, even if im loosing 80% percent of my games lately i think they are all balance. Lately i been playing alot against kf but still win with random stuff not even a theme and i also loose.ppl just want to win all the damn time if they start loosing they complain saying is op not cuz the other player is better which is childish.
    Shadow1luc and jeeperz2 like this.
  10. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    Seen zealot thrown into it maybe 2 times per description. I don't accept burn as a fountain of wisdom when it comes to balance he could probably pull it off but too much negativity comes from him
    blazinsoul likes this.
  11. Nexx

    Nexx I need me some PIE!

    He said he wanted to bring NKD down to a level where it was balanced, and I read it CLEARLY, you sir need to get schooled on the art of reading. He said he wanted to keep NKD fun while making it balanced, and not making it utter bullshit. I'm not an ST hater, but I do hate ST zealots, and I definitely hate the state it's in.
    I faced a NKD bg today, just kept his champions with 6 AP, 3 of them, in my font, couldn't scratch a single one. Does that define balance to you? Apparently you're the one that didn't read H0spy's "plan" post. He never said he was nerfing it to the ground you ignorant fool. He even mentioned that he wanted to make Jakei stick out together, rather than being individualized champions.

    2AP to dodge attacks, I think that amount should be increased to 3 for it to be balanced.
  12. Nexx

    Nexx I need me some PIE!

    He still has the idea of balance. I agree, he does have negativity, but he still has the knowledge to balance. I'm just giving an example here, and no, Burn is definitely not a fountain of wisdom.
  13. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    In this block paragraph it sounds like after jeeperz response instead of pressing a case against Lush (who I'm beginning to get the vibe you don't know and ur just grouping all ST players together) you build on why you like h0spy and how jeeperz is a zealot (a word of seeing)
    blazinsoul likes this.
  14. Roger Road

    Roger Road Member

    all hail h0spy jakei king of savagae tundra. To be honest I voted for him because he's the only guy I knew on the list.
    jeeperz2 likes this.
  15. Lushiris

    Lushiris I need me some PIE!

    You do know that with just a few(many) clicks you can know when the first game of a player was, right? Because I don't see how someone can believe so much in something he doesn't have any proof of.


    And for the record, I have seen you.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2014
    Dagda likes this.
  16. jeeperz2

    jeeperz2 I need me some PIE!

    Is my point proven yet? lol.. Does this guy even play ST?
  17. Lushiris

    Lushiris I need me some PIE!

    We will play a Poxnora game where each one of us will give our runes to a respected LL player, and when one of us wins, that person will have earned the right to claim the runes for himself and to say if he plays ST or not.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2014
    Dagda likes this.
  18. Shadow1luc

    Shadow1luc New Member

    Hospy does play st check his profile. I voted for lush though the guy actually tries to help
  19. Entrepidus

    Entrepidus I need me some PIE!

    Wait just a minute, someone else voted for me? Mom, is that you?!
    Roger Road and jeeperz2 like this.
  20. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    So how many forum accounts did you all make for those results?
    KingJad likes this.

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