Winners and Losers in new patch

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by Sean5056, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. Sean5056

    Sean5056 I need me some PIE!

    What are your initial thoughts of the tweaks to some champs? And I'd love to here thoughts on the new mid term champ once it's revealed.

    Looks like people are liking this change to UT so far...
  2. Skeezick

    Skeezick Forum Royalty

    boost loss is sad :c
  3. Zorack

    Zorack I need me some PIE!

    What the Firk did they just do to my skele deck.
    mw24 likes this.
  4. Sean5056

    Sean5056 I need me some PIE!

    They gave some skellys defender... also, I suppose our new champ can go into a skelly deck even though he's a lich.
  5. Skeezick

    Skeezick Forum Royalty

    but tomb lord is supposed to be iconic booster boss man :c
  6. Nyanta

    Nyanta I need me some PIE!

    i dont like the new legendary feels like a cheap gimmick that will get things nerfed from abuse.
  7. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    It is almost the same rune as forsaken follow and suffers from the same problems, a lack of ap to use all its abilities.
  8. Zorack

    Zorack I need me some PIE!

    I rather have 3 Dmg, 6 Hp, and 1 Def.... Now it's a global 5 hp and +2 def, and they couldn't even put it on the same unit. I have to deploy two units to get the full effect now, as if skele wasn't slow enough before.

    Bonewing is even worse than before, if that's even possible. Biggest beef is with Tomb Lord though. He doesn't even have boost or defender, or any type of buff. He's just a guy who summons skeletons now, you're paying 75 Nora for a guy to pop out a skeleton that'll die from just being looked. At least give him stronger summons or increased range so he can actually use surge skeleton without getting murdered. Might as well run drive on him and let him sit in the back, or why even run him at all. Better off putting in more meat. New legendary is meh, seems like a glorified version of the current tomb lord now. Summons more skeletons, some utility, but that was never really the problem with skeletons.

    Don't know, man. Just seems like they nerfed skeletons on paper, maybe changing my deck and trying it out might change my mind. But Tomb Lord is definitely R.I.P imo.
  9. Skeezick

    Skeezick Forum Royalty

    bring back tomb lord 2015!
  10. Nyanta

    Nyanta I need me some PIE!

    except follower fits her theme , is cheaper, has a basic attack, and is generally better than the lich who doesnt fit his theme and main reason of existence is to hex and summon things to sac for 10 acid damage or block something for 1 turn before they turn into dust. All we will see of this rune is summon things sac them and hex things that get too close rinse and repeat boring rune that most of the work can be done with a 25 nora equipment that does most of his job but with the added benefit of gaining 2 max hp per summon .
    Heck for 55 nora you could use cloak of skulls + staff and get the same job as the lich but with the added benefit of 2 extra defense on a champion (while losing out on hex and 3 summons plus control of when those summons show but its cheaper ap wise and nora wise ). This rune will just be placed in a font so it could smash champions with ritual for 10 damage(up to 40 thanks to bone staffs and additional summoners) til ritual or it is nerfed and then it will fade into the back round and not be seen again for a long time(buff round i guess).
  11. Sean5056

    Sean5056 I need me some PIE!

    I just played my skelly BG, aaaannnndddd it sucked.
    mw24 likes this.
  12. Nyanta

    Nyanta I need me some PIE!

    in what ways? id like to know in what ways its fails or no longer works.
  13. Sean5056

    Sean5056 I need me some PIE!

    They took boost away from Tomb lord, not sure how i feel about the global boost on Tormented priest, New mid term doesnt seem to be able to get enough AP to do anything. Guess I just gotta get used to new stuff. I think im gonna go play a fw/ud bleed split.
  14. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    Skeletons could benefit greatly from a Commander: Skeleton.
  15. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Elsari Votary Commands Undead. I think TP is better with Defender over boost. Also, Necromancer now makes a great, cheap Boost source that spits out little Skellies.
  16. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    So lemme get this straight, Skeles now have to deploy 1 rune to get boost, 1 to get defender, and have no commander to boost damage, yet you think they are fine because some horrible summoner?

    Old Tomb Lord Boost 3: +3 Dam +1 Def +5 hp

    Now: Torm Priest Def: +2 Def
    Votary or something: +5 hp

    Then look at most skeles builds, low hp, low damage. Where is this damage going to come from now?
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2015
    Nyanta likes this.
  17. Nyanta

    Nyanta I need me some PIE!

    so for skeletons to have a similar feel to what they had before id have to sandwich in votary and pick defender on certain champs and have someone with boost out so its just like i told sok in that booster topic but only much much worse. i mean why not have commander on tomb lord it would fit the image and help him maintain his original role as a booster but til skeletons are fixed im going to consider them and the legendary a failure of the midterm.
    claydude5 likes this.
  18. Zorack

    Zorack I need me some PIE!

    Well I tested out my skele BG without changing anything and, yeah, it was pretty bad/sad.

    Biggest problem was that I did no damage. The +3 DMG from Boost Skeleton went a long way when it can easily affect up to around 5 units early game, that's 15 to 30 DMG a round just gone. The +2 DEF from Defender is honestly negligible for your summoned skeletons since they'll only have 20-30 HP anyways. It's better for Bone Elemental and Boneshredder, but even then an extra DEF is hardly a consolation for how the rest of your units are shafted. Like I prefaced in my previous post, separating Defender and Boost: Skeleton onto different units is a huge problem. Now you have to invest an extra ~70-80 Nora to get a buff which is by all means inferior the previous Boost. The unit the buffs are on aren't even particularly strong or tanky themselves. Tormented Priest, Bonewing? Don't even bother deploying these units early game unless you want to get steamrolled. Tomb Lord at least had somewhat respectable stats as far as boosters go (RIP, you will be missed).

    Skeleton is even slower than before, I think the old Boost Skeleton was too pivotal for the theme. In the current patch the methods of boosting skeletons DMG is either through Cloak of Skulls, and of course you don't get the +2 DMG on any units you deployed beforehand. Or through Altar of Bones, which now needs 6 rounds and a sacrifice of 3 units to just come even with the DMG Boost previously provided. And all of the previously stated could've been achieved along with the old Boost Skeleton. That ability was the only thing that made the summoned skeletons even remotely threatening early game, now their attacks can chip away at your enemies health 6-7 HP at a time... if you're lucky. But, god forbid if you ever face a tank. Honestly, the DMG is pathetic.

    But, hey, now I won't accidentally kill my own units by moving it out of Boost range. Whoopee.
    ghklf, Nyanta and claydude5 like this.
  19. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Changing nothing in a BG after sweeping changes sounds like a bad idea. I think this round of modifcations made skeletons worse, but at least tweak and tune a BG before declaring the full extent of the damage.
  20. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    Alright let's be nice and try some advanced math.

    Skeles average some of the worst stats in the game because of expecting boost, therefore they are gimped until boost is out.

    Old boost gave 3/1/5 for like 84 nora on tomb lord.

    Now you can get 2/2/5

    but it costs: 77ish nora for tormented priest, + 35 for Boner Cloak + 69 for bonerwing or + 70 for necromancer

    So 182 nora to get our old 84 nora worth.

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