Comments on Profile Post by DrakeArron

  1. Markoth
    One of the worst kept secrets in Pox is that the longer you are here the more you realize that the forums are the real game.
    Jul 30, 2016
  2. DrakeArron
    Hah! You think this is a game Markoth? No, the silly little computer app is the game. This is no game. This is a war. A war of fighting and soon to be betrayed alliances known to none but those who dare to try. Game? If this is a game, Nuclear war is a minor town election to decide who gets to live an extra day.
    Jul 30, 2016
  3. Markoth
    Its a game for those that rise above and see the world for what it is. A dark closet full of toys and pieces for the boards that sit unused until the players have set their place.
    Jul 30, 2016
  4. Lushiris
    Not enough likes
    Jul 30, 2016