Let's Build An Expansion Together

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sokolov, Nov 17, 2015.

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  1. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    Sundered Lands
    Description: Foreign birds from another savage and dangerous world. The massive crown on their heads is used to split apart anything in it's way as it charges through forests.
    Race: Beasts
    Class: Demi-god
    Nora Cost: 73
    Damage: 30
    Speed: 9
    Range: 1
    Defense: 3
    HP: 80

    Attack: Physical
    Charge: 3
    Heavy Charge

    Upgrade 1: Zephyr Shield
    Fearsome Hunter
    Upgrade 2: Stun
    Claw Attack
  2. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Elvish Outrider

    Elf on an avian, as with Circle Messenger, only this one has blades attached to the sides of its legs and a metal blade over its beak. The elf has a long spear in one hand and a dirk in the other. The spear cuts across the frame from middle left to lower right, almost brushing the ground. The avian is wheeling around, apparently just come from the viewer's position -- think a motorcycle making a sharp turn, so that it angles inward
    although not quite that much. The elf is looking back over his shoulder, ready for another pass. Here is a set of MSPaint lines to show the layout: (Note that this is just for relative positions; there should be a bit more space on the right of the frame to imply his future movement and make it seem believable. If the frame was too cramped, the viewer wouldn't get the sense of the avian's speed, or have any idea to where it's moving. )

    Ok, you get the gist.

    Elf (Maybe Beast as well because it's important, but disinclined)

    DMG 7 -6
    SPD 7 8
    RNG 2-3 (no cost)
    DEF 0 0
    HP 43 35

    Attack: Physical 2
    Hit and Run 8
    Zephyr Shield 12
    Trample 6

    Stab 4
    Riposte 4

    Leap 2 3
    Retreat 1 3

    Wanted to make a champ that could use 2-3 RNG successfully, and I think this could work. It's still a slightly messy design, but the idea is that he can get an attack, and then generate essentially free damage by using the HnR AP to move through enemies with Trample. Rather than trying to get some stat stacking going, this champion uses its speed to both stay alive and deal damage. It depends upon Retreat and Leap to get out of sticky situations, so it's possible to pin it down and then beat it to death.

    I think that, if you're designing a rune for a faction, it should mechanically feel like it must be in that faction; this Outrider champion would feel terribly out of place anywhere else. It honestly started mechanics-first, and then ended up in KF because no other faction was the proper home.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2016
    Runegod, themacca, skarpox and 2 others like this.
  3. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    Omg though! Zephyr Shield and Hit and Run go really well together. I want that (quite expensive though, that's 20 nora just in those). I'm gonna brainstorm around this for a while.
  4. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    Also, HnR and Bold. That's pretty good, could probably build something around that. HnR Blitz is really weird, but if a champ had a rank of Multi or something, it could be cool.
  5. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Maybe Combat Awareness as an upgrade? The downside to putting so much effort into getting Zephyr Shield up is that the low HP these champs tend to have make them the target of AoEs and stuff like that. I really like the idea of this champ...though I think Zephyr Shield's current form isn't super amazing.
  6. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    HnR gets him essentially one free trigger every turn, if he's using it, and a lot of the damage comes from Trample and movement anyway. I would expect this guy to get 2 stacks each turn when in combat. Combat Awareness might make sense, but I think that splits up the design too much -- it should be aesthetically streamlined, and just because an ability would be good certainly doesn't mean it should be on there. I don't know where CA would fit on him though, besides base, so not a huge fan.
  7. ofsleep

    ofsleep The King of Potatoes

    I spent a lot of time on these - had a lot of fun!
    Sorry if I gave them too many fun abilities/combos!

    Jellebrium Striker
    Size: 1x1 | Faction: FS | Class: Ranger, Rogue
    Art Description: Similar to Coral Creeper, but glowing red.

    Pew... pew... pew...

    Nora: 65-75
    10 DMG | 6 SPD | 1-2 RNG | 0 DEF | 45 HP
    Attack: Psychic
    Jellebrium Mind
    Vulnerability: Physical

    Multiattack (3)
    Deep Wounds


    Leoss Matriarch
    Size: 1x1 | Faction: IS/ST | Class: Wizard, Monk
    Artist: Bryan Rypkowski, Slawomir Maniak or Bartek Gawel.
    We were amazed to discover that the rare female Leoss possesses powerful magic capabilities as well as large, bird-like wings!”

    -Boghopper Anthropologist

    Nora: 90-100
    10 DMG | 7 SPD | 1 RNG | 1 DEF | 50 HP
    Attack: Magical
    Soul of Ailur
    Violence Charged (1)

    Guarded: Leoss
    Surge: Enemy
    Ki Strike

    Charged Heal
    Unleash Memories
    Eternal Storm, +20 Nora

    Vashal Deadeye
    Size: 1x1 | Faction: KF | Class: Ranger
    Art Description: Fun porcupine-looking guy with eye patch and giant rifle.
    Dammit! Who gave the porcupine a firearm?”

    Nora: 70-80
    11 DMG | 6 SPD | 2-4 RNG | 0 DEF | 40 HP
    Attack: Gun
    Seal of Vashal
    Hunter's Blind
    Damage Shield: Physical (3)

    Combat Awareness
    Logistics: Speed

    Ransack Relic
    Detection (3)

    Boghopper Vagabond
    Size: 1x1 | Faction: FS | Class: Shaman, Ranger
    Art Description: Female, physically-fit Boghopper with blowgun that looks similar to Firk Prophet, but like a ranger version.

    From the tundras to the forests to the fields, the Vagabonds learn new skills from neighboring allies to bring back to their kin.

    Nora: 65-75
    8 DMG | 7 SPD | 2-4 RNG | 0 DEF | 35 HP
    Attack: Poison
    Leap (3)
    Train Damage
    Three Wishes

    Resistance: Magical (3)
    Resistance: Physical (2)
    Nohkan Do

    Quest: Damage
    Quest: Support Ally
    Quest: Runner

    Stitched Warmachine
    Size: 2x2 | Faction: UD/FW | Class: None
    Art Description: crazy catapult/tank-looking thing with attached guns and saws!

    Nora: 85-95
    13 DMG | 4 SPD | 3-6 RNG | 2 DEF | 60 HP
    Attack: Cannon
    Ammunition (2)
    Stitched Symbiosis

    Eat Traps
    Stitched Reconstitution

    Throw Champion
    Storm Field
    Lumbering, -20 Nora

    Tortun Timewinder
    Size: 1x1 | Faction: FS/KF | Class: Tinkerer
    Art Description: Tortun wearing old-timey aviator goggles.

    Nora: 65-75
    11 DMG | 6 SPD | 1-3 RNG | 2 DEF | 48 HP
    Attack: Magical
    Tortun Shell


    Multiattack (3) or Flurry
    Zephyr Shield
    Time Bend
    Tweek516 and Kampel like this.
  8. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    Voil Commander
    Description: When the most loyal of Ruubgaals Commanders learned of Eehiists betrayal they would not stand for it. However Eehiist had them killed and buried along with the king and the secrets of her betrayal.
    Image: Heavily Armored Voil with decaying flesh Wielding a large Axe and killing a Voil Guard
    Race: Undead, Voil
    Class: Knight
    Faction: FW/SP
    Nora Cost: 76-82
    Damage: 12
    Speed: 6
    Range: 1
    Defense: 2
    HP: 49

    Attack: Physical (2)
    Sonic Flight (6)
    Rampage (9)

    Upgrade 1:
    Commander (Default)
    Battlemaster 3 (+4)
    Battle Leader (+5)

    Upgrade 2:
    Throw Axe (Default)
    Sunder 1 (0)
    Multiattack 1 (+1)
  9. kagebunshn

    kagebunshn I need me some PIE!

    Voracious Garu
    Race: Garu
    Class: Warrior
    Description: A large garu snapping a tree in half with his jaws, with a very surprised-looking moga hiding on the other side of it.
    Flavor text: Sometimes a garu can grow to be too wild. Too...hungry. Menalaus feared just such a fate would befall Godwin.
    Nora cost: Base stats 49-50, ~13 for base abilities, 7-17 for upgrades(10 default). ~73 default cost, 70-87 range.
    damage: 12
    range: 1
    speed: 6
    defense: 1
    HP: 50

    Base Abilities:
    Attack: Disease (2)
    Fury (3)
    Defile Corpse (?)
    Defiant (4)

    Upgrade 1:
    Sword Breaker (4), Ferocious bite(5 default), Quest:Damage (10)

    Upgrade 2:
    Regeneration 1 (3), 2 (5 default), 3(7)

    Analysis- The idea is that this guy is hungry, rabid, and has a nasty overbite. When this guy eats you, nobody finds the body. Is comparable to other garu melee, but brings several utility abilities to the table. Notably does not have a 'gap-closing' ability. His damage output is medium at first, but snowballs quickly since 2-3 attacks will trigger Quest.
    Tweek516 likes this.
  10. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    Give him brain eater and I'll love it.
  11. Bellagion

    Bellagion I need me some PIE!


    Race: Beast
    Faction: FS/SP

    Flavor: "This elusive species is primarily found in the moorlands along the border between the Swamp and the Peaks. Its song is said to sound like laughter."

    Dmg: 10
    Rng: 1
    Spd: 7
    Def: 0
    Hp: 46

    Base Abilities-
    Attack: Physical
    Mocking Blow

    Zephyr Shield
    Dodge 2
    Combat Awareness 1

    Soothing Serenade
    IMAGIRL likes this.
  12. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Sarnghaver Knight

    Race: Beast/Barbarian
    Class: Knight

    Flavor: We appreciate the offer Isran but our duty is to our people.

    Dmg: 10
    Rng: 1
    Spd: 6
    Def: 0
    Hp: 50

    Base Abilities-
    Attack: Physical
    Sonic Roar

    Pounce 3
    Glorious Leap
    Massive Leap 2

    Tweek516, IMAGIRL and Thbigchief like this.
  13. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    is there anything manlier than a knight riding a lion?

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    A man who can express his feelings is pretty manly in my book, but that's probably not what you were getiing at. A man riding a war elephant is pretty badass. Not as indomitable as people might think, but they were the tanks of their era.
    iPox likes this.
  15. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Soooooo a Lion riding a Lion?

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    Was going to say that, but thought better of it. ;D Then it spawned into a Leoss thing, and eh I lost sight of the post. Had to delete it the make a different one.
    DiCEM0nEY likes this.
  17. Runegod

    Runegod I need me some PIE!

    Cool idea man but wow those art skills be through the roof.
  18. iPox

    iPox Forum Royalty

    Special Snowflake

    Look at all those snowflakes falling from the sky. They all are special. Assume there was such a thing such a non-special snowflake. The first non-special snowflake to fall would be special, because it would be the first non-special snowflake ever. Thus, all snowflakes must be special.

    Race: Elemental
    Class: none

    Cost: average
    Damage: average | Speed: average | Range: 1 | Defense: average | HP: average

    Attack: Physical

    Upgrades 1:
    Stat Bonus: Damage 1
    Stat Bonus: Damage 2

    Upgrades 2:
    Stat Bonus: Health 1
    Stat Bonus: Health 2
  19. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Battle Unicorn

    Race: Beast | Class: Demi-God | Size: Small | Rarity: Exotic | Faction: K'thir Forest
    Artwork: A male unicorn stands in a forest's clearing. He has noticeable muscles, arcane tattoos, and mystic enchantments (see above picture for basic inspiration)
    Flavor-Text: A wild unicorn is a fierce beast to behold. Its mystic enchantments ensure its survival in even the most dire situations.
    Deck Limit: 2
    Nora Cost: 76-80

    Champion Stats

    DMG: 12 | SPD: 6 | RNG: 1 | DEF: 0 | HP: 54

    Champion Abilities
    Attack: Magical- This unit makes a Magical attack at its Range. This is a basic attack.
    Impenetrable- This champion can not be the target of abilities your enemy controls, including non-basic attacks. This does not include basic attacks.
    Precision- This champion's attacks cannot miss and ignores the effects of Evasive and Reflexes.
    Purified- At the beginning of your turn, this unit is Cleansed.
    Shielded- This champion may not be the target of opposing spells.

    Upgrade Path I

    Charge 3- This champion moves 1-3 spaces in a straight line through non-Impeding terrain and makes a close-combat attack at +3 DMG. CD: 2, AP: 3
    Phantom Dash- For 1 turn, the next time a friendly champion makes a successful basic attack against target champion within 6 spaces, this champion is relocated to the closest available space to that champion. CD: 2, AP: 2
    Teleport 1- This champion is relocated to target space within 5 spaces, and loses Rooted. CD: 1, AP: 4

    Upgrade Path II
    Dispelling Blows- Any champion successfully attacked by this champion's base attack is Dispelled.
    Void Shield- When this champion takes 4 or more damage, it gains a rank of Resistance to that damage type.
    Void Touch- When this champion successfully hits a champion with a basic attack, the attacked champion loses an ability at random (this does not remove basic attacks).
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2016
    IMAGIRL likes this.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    This thing is going to be overbearing to fight. Shielded, Impenetrable, Purified. Only thing that can hit it would be AoE damage, and basic attacks. Do you really think it needs CA1? I'm unsure if UP2 even needs Void Shield to be honest. Dispelling Blows, and Void Touch are nice, perhaps Confuse instead of Void Shield?
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