so what's everyone thinking of st atm?

Discussion in 'Savage Tundra' started by calisk, Dec 13, 2016.

  1. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    not really though the first turn sheoul is quite common, and assuming the engagement begins 3-4 turns after the game start they'll likely have half their bg revealed meaning it's pretty likely they will have most of the runes revealed.

    in 7 games ud and ud/X sheoul was the first drop in 5 of them, in 4 of those games they followed with drain life. the turn after horrific aura, 2 of those games they used boundless enthusiasm.

    none of them they used demon because I was using yeti and they primarily are melee, but thye did have it intheir bg's for later
  2. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    Oh and as for how yetis can beat them well first off they have a few that can go toe to toe with him before the debuff especially cone into play like sleeping yeti, or yeti ancients.

    In terms of stalling yeti spirit is perfect while softening him up and due to his low cost you can usually double deploy turn 1.

    Druids and shamans make great backups because even if they shield imbue and divert can get around that and Druids come with cleanse while shamans can heal.

    Generally they can answer all his tricks all that said I still needed the gale to finish the job in every match I think.

    Most importantly yetis have a very low curve so they get rolling very quickly and are pretty much doing their thing immediately with no build up.
  3. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    Yeah ST seems very strong to me
  4. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    See, to me, it just sounds like you know how to play Yetis well, and struggle with playing other stuff. There's very similar answers (and sometimes better) to stuff like Sheoul Demon + Drain Vitality + Boundless Enthusiasm. I've never seen people have much of a problem with that, as it's just a mini-super champ. Super champs aren't hard to deal with if you know how to play with what you have.
    Now, it's perfectly fine to be really good with yetis, but I hope you eventually are able to find the things you felt were missing in other stuff (because then you have more stuff to enjoy!).
  5. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Calisk is a good player lol. What he's saying is that Yetis power is in their melee units, whereas other ST themes tend to rely on their range. My Frost BG for example is relies on my range units for amp and late game damage. In my tailwind BG Borderguard Elite might be able to go toe to toe with Sheoul Demon, but i'll probably end up using a spell to finish it.
    SireofSuns likes this.
  6. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    We'll yetis power is indeed in their melee, but more importantly they are good immediately. With amp and Jakei and elemental the number of time I use the phrase "once I have x out this will be great" is bit too much amp practically feels like I'm playing an exodia deck in Yu-Gi-Oh
    SireofSuns likes this.
  7. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    Oh. See, there's the part I was missing. I thought he meant for everything else in the game besides Yetis. Now I am inclined to agree, yeah, most other ST themes require a lot of build up to be able to handle something like what Calisk is describing.
  8. Braxzee

    Braxzee I need me some PIE!

    Especially now commander was removed from monks and shamans...Why? if it is due to summons just get rid of reveal pupil..who cares I would rather have commander than have a pupil that does very little. Now monks have low dmg and now shamans suffer as well along with low dmg Jakei....AHHHHHHhhhh
  9. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    Yeah... Yetis are certainly one of the most fleshed out themes.
    I wish Jakei (and KF Elves) were more coherent, but sadly that is not the case. The removal of Commander being such a big hit to them shows how little they have tying them together in a workable fashion.

    EDIT: Okay I take that back. Jakei actually have a lot of little nifty stuff tying them together.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2016
  10. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    crystal elemental has commander and is a shaman
  11. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    I wanna build a ST Owls bg. Nothing but Strig and Owl riders. And maybe the ST Renovator if I can ever get my hands on one.
  12. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    I find that funny their are more jakeis in st then any other race, and yet somehow they have next to no cohesion as a theme at all.

    on top of that jakei has one of the most durable melee units in the faction in the form of frostfall vanguard even with her useless overload ability.
  13. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    That's what happens when ST has been under-represented in the Council. You gotta push for some changes/new runes if you want them to be more like Elves or Boghoppers.
  14. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    Wait, is Calisk the ST council member? Who ARE the council members? Who do I need to pester with petitions to make PoxNora great again?
  15. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    I haven't been a council members for over a year. I had a kid was too busy for pox

    Lush was still on the council at the time
  16. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    We'll I can't be more clear the only person with power is Sokolov.

    The council was just a bouncing board for Sokolov to gauge ideas off of in a safe place really.
  17. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    Poor Sok, he gets so much flak from us.
  18. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Sok makes all the decisions in the end, but KF and IS for example have been getting development where it is needed thanks to the members that play those factions. Lush doesn't have the creativity like Xirone or the skill of Karmavore.
  19. Braxzee

    Braxzee I need me some PIE!

    Well that s nice but it is dedicates for improved range or speed
  20. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Well that sucks. Defender, Commander, and Boost was reduced all across the board so deal with it

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