Theme Adjustments #2 - Maljaran Races

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sokolov, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. Rokkushun

    Rokkushun Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Stitched: unaffected by zombie plague (the ability on timmy, I think that's the name).

    It makes no sense for them to be affected by it since they are not supposed to be swarm-able
  2. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    I'd like to see Garin get buffed to like 10 range.
  3. narvoxx

    narvoxx I need me some PIE!

    You can sorta kinda do this yourself already...
    Well, 7 range is pretty doable atleast
  4. Rokkushun

    Rokkushun Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Also I'd like to bring to light how underwhelming matriarch sarinda is.
    No real reason to take her over kiergana.
  5. WhatTheHex

    WhatTheHex The King of Potatoes

    Wait, what?
  6. Rokkushun

    Rokkushun Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Death harvest is nice but her nora cost is simply too high.
    If you want deconstruct on her she's 82 nora, and for eradicate to be worth getting her close enough to hit with it (and usually close enough to die as well) she needs to just chill for 10~ rounds on the back line.

    If she was cheaper she might be more runable, but with no defensive abilities on an 80 nora stitched there is no reason to deploy her over a much cheaper counterpart (IE hexer, shaman).
  7. Leadrz

    Leadrz I need me some PIE!

    Meld is 1 nora....
  8. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    On this topic why isn't Hooligans attack on 1?
    Nora That likes this.
  9. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    his aoe thing keg toss
  10. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    It would be nice to do something with stitched merged and mage arm as they pretty terrible.

    I think we should either make meld easier to do or remove it completely.

    But I don't know if it even works right now as I've never had the opportunity to actually use it.
  11. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    Suggestion to paragon of aliur
    Damage: 10
    Speed: 6
    Range: 4-5
    Defense: 1
    HP: 44

    Base abilities: Attack: Physical, Soul of Ailur, Grant: Reflexes, Grant: Evasive, ponderous
    Upgrade path 1: Soul Bound, Heal Mass 3, Divine favour 3
    Upgrade path 2: Train Damage, Train Defense, Train Mobility
    He will cost between ~74-86
  12. sassquatch

    sassquatch I need me some PIE!

    I made this critique of leoss a while ago and have since updated the price ranges for the champs. its a long read. here are some of the high lights that are in most need of fixing.

    • Soulbond needs to have the bugs fixed for the damage reduction to proc on death as per the description and also have a clause added to allow it to trigger pride of ailur, otherwise it will never be chosen in theme and be relgated to a gimmick build bg. If this happens then its ideal to relegate both abilities to the same upgrade chain.

    • Many champs need the layout of the upgrade chains redone or minor reworks in the base/upgrade options for abilities. The biggest targets for these are:
      • Architect: remove mason from chain one and put relocate relic from chain 2 there along with shatter
      • Bluefist: move supercharged 2 to base. move ki strike, wizard foe and dodge 2 to upgrade chain 1.
      • Magnate: Move CA: Ranged to upgrade chain 2 and move Divine favor 2 to base.
      • Leoss Monk: move soulbond from upgrade chain 2 to upgrade chain 1
      • Mosharn: put hold the line on base and move sentinel to chain 2, replace readiness with decapitating blow.
      • Redfist: move supercharged 2 to base. move ki strike, warrior foe and block 2 to upgrade chain 1
      • Wall: make the EXO and LIM versions the same. Replace defender from upgrade chain 2 with readiness and put block 1 on upgrade chain 1.
      • Ward: remove defensive attack from this champ. put multi atk from base to chain 1 with ranks 1 and 2.

    • A few Champs need more in depth redesign considerations. This is mostly due to a complete lack of options in the upgrade chains or they are just currently unrunnable and most of my recommendations will bring it slightly back towards the versatility of the initial release designs.
      • Remnant: replace ranks 1/2 of battlemaster with evasive 2 and CA: melee.
      • Arcanis: remove channel damage and vuln: poison. add basic atk: magic (either at range 1 or maybe 2-3 for balance issues) and adjust his price up as appropriate. currently its nearly unrunnable even at 66 nora.
      • Paragon: (this is a conglomeration of many peoples ideas/threads) Base: atk physical, train: strike, grant evasive, grant: reflexes. upgrade 1: soul of ailur, soulbond. upgrade 2: bastion of mobility, heal mass 3, divine favor 3.
      • Boarder Patrol: Leap 3 to base and declare target replaces detection, upgrade chain 1: hidden veg, domain vegetation, escape.
      • Leoss Druid: (this recommendation is contingent on paragon getting heal mass 3 back) for upgrade chain 1 replace heal mass ranks 1 and 2 with natures blessing rank2 and entangling atk.

    The "original theme" (which I use loosely) was the opposite of the moga/kanen cheap champ spam. The play style relied on mini-superchamps with a slightly over the curve nora cost that could survive an onslaught while being outnumbered and in turn kill the horde facing them using a loose phalanx formation. One of the tools they lost along the way was the "down a font clause" built in to the pride and soul abilities. If you were down a font you gained +2 dam +2 def and +1 speed. is it worth more than 12 nora a turn... maybe. is it worth 12 nora, positioning, and deployment zone options.... harder to tell. I think this would be something worth bringing back. maybe even add the clause that no other race can be in play for this bonus.

    the other thing leoss lack compared to all the other maljarans is unique spell/relic/equip support. some support and love needs to be given to leoss in this area.
    Woffleet likes this.
  13. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    I only like changes to architect others seems like unnecessary nerfs just for small cost reduction
  14. avichaif

    avichaif Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I prefer he will get both but if u going to give him only 1 i prefer Detection
  15. sassquatch

    sassquatch I need me some PIE!

    most are either lateral shifts to increase versatility and viability or outright buffs allowing for more crowd control and survivability. none result in nerfs or overall cost reductions... I think.
  16. Baalzamon

    Baalzamon I need me some PIE!

    You are definitely going to want me banned then because I think that they should be race Spirit and Construct. They are possessed dolls made from various materials after all.
  17. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

  18. Ifem21

    Ifem21 The King of Potatoes

    Sticthed and Leoss: are the one who needs the most rework. They don't work that well right now, and need changes in a large number of champions and abillities for them to be runnabble.
    Tortuns: are fine, but Tortuns Trade and the Upgrade path with it of EVERY tortun need to have a look. Also, make sure that the change to KF and FS bonus wouldn't make them awnful.
    Kanen: don't need to care about them, they are pretty good right now, and can be competitive. Just take a look on Crones, some of the are too expensive for what they do, maybe making each of them having an specif role (one for heal, other for boost, the other for alt dmg, etc.) can be the solution.
  19. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    See view
  20. Mausini

    Mausini I need me some PIE!

    Here a few Leoss assumptions: Thats what I would like to see if the racial itself stays like it is.
    I don't like the Idea of superchamps as a racial. It gives bis disadvantages in multifont fights and makes you very vulnerable vs all that nasty single target spell stuff.

    Most imprtant:
    Soul is to expensive for what it does. 2 or 3 nora sounds more fitting for it.

    The champs:
    Leoss Magnate:
    • Lose Counterattack Range
    • Soul on base (You might argue that this would make him a theme specific champ but I think thats ok. With a cost decrease this wouldn't hurt in non Leoss decks)
    Yes. I want to have the possibility to have Soul and Pride on him.

    • Drop Def Strike and give him back evasive. He was a ranged tank and that roll is important in Leoss decks
    • Speed from 8 to 7
    He is the Detection champ of that theme but much to expensive. 8 speed on champs shouldn't exist anyway.

    • Drop Manson
    • U1 Stone Barrage, Hammer Throw, Vulnerable Something
    I Tried to put something into U1 that fits into his picture. Its just personal pref but would be a cool thing. Disarm would be nice too

    He is so bad... Doesn't contribute anything to the theme. But hey a healer is needed.
    • U1 Heal Champion Rank 2 and 3, Grant Soul of Ailur
    • U2 Soothing Serenade, NKD, Grant Pride of Ailur
    Grant Pride/Soul would be super cool and open a lot of space for deck building. He would finally have its unique role
    The rest of the upgrades are centered around his peaceful habits.

    Beaters in general:
    Leoss have plenty of them and a lot of them fight for the same deck slot. Defining their roles would help the theme.

    Wards, Lurkers, Red/Bluefists, Border Patrols and Guardians and Ravagers do all fight for the same slot.

    While Wards, Lurkers and Fists are quiet good, Guardians, Patrols and Ravagers are not.

    Guardian: He is not bad and can tank like a boss in certain situations. But he lacks mobility. Charge would be so nice on him.

    Border Patrol: He was planed as a a harasser/sidecapper with some stealth? I don't exactly know but he is not that good in that role. No clue what to do with him

    Ravager: Drop Rend for Scrapper and something other. The idea is that its hard to get him into the fight but when he is in that fight he should be a beast with heals and some tankyness.

    The rest of the champs are runnable or good.
    Thats only my personal opinion after playing Leoss here and there. I might be wrong with some points. :)

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