Worthwhile to post with leftist censorship in all media?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by EtherLiam, Jul 2, 2022.

  1. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    hes in his 70s and yet he more sensible than 18 year old MAGA fanatics talking about the stolen election
  2. EtherLiam

    EtherLiam Well-Known Member

    Could just as easily apply to Democrats and would also be just as sexist and racist.

    As I'm both orange and non-binary it clearly doesn't apply to me.

    Paired opposites define your ideologies and those ideologies imprison you...

    As I've already stated I'm quite content to remain in this forum, reaching the attention of those few who still reply here.

    I liked your last sentence - "screaming into a desolate canyon of electronic ghosts" , very poetic.
    Bushido and profhulk like this.
  3. EtherLiam

    EtherLiam Well-Known Member

  4. Bushido

    Bushido Devotee of the Blood Owl

    People who identify as leftist generally are some of the most incapable people on the planet, or are leeching on corporate/ government welfare. Truly hope supply chains crumble and there are mass food shortages.
  5. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    Corporatism sucks but I think it unfair to say it only the left are playing into it the right constantly like giving cooperates hand jobs for financial favour. Like when last time a right leaning politician actually cut coperate tax.
  6. EtherLiam

    EtherLiam Well-Known Member

    Left/Right, Liberal or Conservative it's all just kabuki theatre to manipulate the sheeple.

    If global shortages combined with hyper inflation did cause the "Great Reset" then don't assume your safe from it's effects.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2022
  7. Bushido

    Bushido Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I'm safe from its effects because I take personal responsibility for my own safety. In America, we have a thing called freedom, specifically the freedom to bear arms, which shall not be infringed, supercedes all other laws. I would be very worried if I lived in a communist hellhole like Europe or Canada or California.

    As for conservative / liberal, I don't really care for either label, but every self identifying liberal I have met usually looks like they need sunlight
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2022
  8. Bushido

    Bushido Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Im not referring to politicians, I'm referring to working and welfare receiving individuals. It's well known the left and right work hand in hand to make sure money keeps flowing through Epstein island when it gets to a high enough level $$.
  9. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    Wasn't it trump who reduced child food stamps for school lunches and bunch of other wefare Bane Shift to increase military spending?

    Heck republicans were against "giving free money during covid" and ended up reducing the stimulus per person from USD1400 to like 700-800 and said we should give so much because people will be lazy to work or some bullshit

    so no
  10. EtherLiam

    EtherLiam Well-Known Member

  11. Bushido

    Bushido Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I'm against all government welfare. I'm also against government shutdowns, and globalism, and immigration.
  12. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    so basically Anti-human progress
  13. EtherLiam

    EtherLiam Well-Known Member

  14. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    they literally have a wing in the democratic party called the progressive caucus so yes they are more progressive than the right
  15. Bushido

    Bushido Devotee of the Blood Owl

  16. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    I fail to follow how the status quo is in any form Left, or communist to begin with. Seems like an elegant way for the sheepish masses that are prone to ideological strife whilst being politically ignorant to demonize the movement that actually tackles the problems that they have with their governments, mainstream media etc.

    Neoliberal capitalist puppets are NOT the left. They're merely wolves in sheeps clothing that parasite on discourses of novelty, change, democratic inclusivity, whilst not doing jackshit about it, striving to maintain things as they are, the wealthy in their places, the wars over resources going on, people atomized and economically centered, unable to think of any reality outside of Capitalism.
    I'm really puzzled that barely anyone acknowledges that, or is even aware of the deeper history of the left movement, especially in the mid 20th century.

    I'm very strongly left leaning but I personally prefer the so-called "crazy alt right" dudes, with their conspiracy theories that at least have the energy to engage and oppose what's going on, than pseudolefties who are just complacent philistines, products of mass culture and its pernicious influence, passively following anything that the herdsman tells them to believe.

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