
Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Alakhami, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    ... Where your concept still falls apart is that despite all the "social pressure" there are still a disgraceful number of smokers. And I'm not saying "disgraceful" because I was somehow indoctrinated to do so, I do because they stink, which I discovered with my own nose, independent of anything extraneous. Perhaps being around enough smokers at a young age would have wrecked my sense of smell sufficiently that I wouldn't mind, but that's not really social pressure, is it.

    Well, yeah, there it is, the social pressure that is *not* backed by facts is the one that stipulates that smoking is "cool" or otherwise desirable *despite* it's effects. The ads Gerbil linked apparently try to turn that emotional instead of rational approach around against smoking, in a manner that is not comparable to just stating the scientifically determined effects of smoking, that are cancer, vascular constriction, reduced lung capacity, heavy lung damage, and smelling like Maxxareks Butthole.

    Not in my social circles because people that smoke don't get into my social circles (save for about two exceptions), but in my vicinity, yeah. There's still people that are vulnerable to the idea that killing yourself in an abhorrent manner is desirable. Even university students, it's somewhat incredible.
  2. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Wait, have we been talking about smoking cigarettes and not weed this entire time?
    Pattn199 likes this.
  3. Agirgis1

    Agirgis1 Forum Royalty

    i don't even do cigs , i do the arab version of weed, doesn't get high , gets you mad buzzed.
    Edit: turns out 1 hit is x5-6 the nicotine of a full cig
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
  4. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    we are taking the term drug and using it to also include the socially acceptable drugs like caffeïne, alchohol, and nicotine. not just the ones stuck in semi-illegality.

    Anyways my grandmother says that in the past when she was young it used to be common courtesy to place a glass of cigarettes on the table for visitors. she is glad that this is viewed as terribly off-putting nowadays.


    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
  5. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty


    And covah, keep up scrub
  6. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    have done:
    alcohol, caffeine, the devils lettuces, mushrooms, lsd, dmt.

    my brother became a heron addiction so I never wanted to try any thing that was addictive. I got to see how hard his addiction was on my mom. When I was young I researched a bunched a drugs on erowid.com and decided dmt was the experience I would actually like to try. All the drugs I have tried was trying to experience a DMT like high, because I never thought I would find a drug called DMT. In my home town there was college called "New College." Ranked high in US for science studies. The graduates get to make their own major, lol. The policy of New College is that it is better for their students to do the drugs on campus where the campus has staff that help them if something goes wrong. Basically New College has the biggest parties in town. It almost always turns into a giant drug fulled public orgy. Turns out they actually make DMT on campus, so ya. I got try it. Once I tried it I stopped doing other drugs. I smoke bud, but smoking is bad for you. Can not wait for bud-butter, going to get toasted. I have also done mushroom and alcohol from time to time since my DMT tip. I dislike alcohol more and more as I age. I just ca not deal with hangovers any more.

    personal rating:
    Caffeine: dose this work?
    Alcohol: poison
    Bud: turns me into a sloth, can not sober every damn day though.
    mushrooms: cool, legal if wet, illegal if they are dried.(Florida, most of the US)
    lsd: mind Firk, if you ever wanted to be useless and not any thing done for a few hours lsd is for you.
    DMT+bud: perfect. really strong short trip. Have not done it a bunch.
    Alcohol and bud: wooooooooooooo!
    bud+mushrooms: woooooooooooo
    lsd+bud: still a mind Firk
    Tweek516, Pattn199 and Alakhami like this.
  7. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    Really wanna try DMT. Can you share your experience in detail?
  8. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty


    truly tragic.


    One thing just stood out to me, see I've never had a hangover because I do not drink to the point where alchohol dehydrates my brain because that would seem to be a dumb thing to do, so my policy is to not do that. so yeah you probably shouldn't drink alchohol if you hate hangovers and can't stop drinking before that happens.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2016
  9. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    Typically I've found that drugs are used as an escape. An attempt to escape from thoughts, pain, memories, responsibilities or something that's used in an attempt to fill a void of confusion, shame, doubt or despair.

    It doesn't work though, 100% of the time.

    At some point people get helped out of the pit or the pit gets filled in because there's a dead person at the bottom.

    That's my own experience, as well.
    Pattn199 and JellyBerry like this.
  10. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    I have done it 3 times, 1st time was the best. I feel like it will take me awhile to type it up. I will do it soon, just not right away.
  11. newsbuff

    newsbuff Forum Royalty

  12. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    these heron posts are awesome.
  13. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Do you know why French people are unable to make small statues of Joan d'Arc to sell to tourists?

    making, owning, and selling heroine is against the law.

  14. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    1st time:
    got DMT, have a bowl and some bud, heading toward the beach for sunset. Carry out a few blankets, on to sit on, the other to cover my self up. I put a little bit of bud to hold the dmt, add dmt ontop. Pull sheet over my head and begain to hit the bowl. First flame melts the DMT right away, I take a second hit and my head gose down. (People tend to go to sleep because dmt is released when you dream, your body will try to sleep when exposed to it) I pick my head up, finish the bowl, and rip off the covers to look at world. There is a huge transparent snake slithering toward the setting sun, strong geometric patterns rippling throughout the environment. I am aware of surroundings and where I am. I hear drums and chanting, look around and no one has drums or is chanting near by, it is my 1st auditory hallucination. Mesmerized I watch the snake slither into the sun. Just a overwhelming feeling of peace as I come down (10min high). There was a lot personal metaphors I experienced that I will not go into detail about but the trip was everything I wanted it to be.

    2nd time:
    I my back yard, board, decided to trip. same process, same bowl. I become placed into a desert land, there is a small tent with 4 guards, 2 on either side. (Accutally did not know i was still in my back yard/ could only see the vision in front of me) I approach the tent. A women comes out and grips the back of my head with a half plum (muay thai reference [collar tie]). She places her forehead against mine and begins to talk rapidly in a language I do not understand. I felt unwelcomed and did not trip again for a long time.

    3rd time:
    I have been sitting on two hits for a few years now. Was thinking about saving it for a wedding night, or maybe do it with my kids when they are old enough. My friend knows I have them and have been begging me for years to do it. I decide too and we go to beach and proceed to smoke like in my 1st time. Strong geometric patterns moving all around me, general feeling of euphoria. Did not feel as strong as the 1st two times, maybe because I had them for long.

    Personal feeling: stronger then LSD, mushroom, or saliva. Trip felt really natural and not alien. (Salvia and LSD feel alien to me) Salvia can rip you into another world and is really intense (can be unpleasant), has a similar duration to DMT. DMT welcomes you into another world, usually strong euphoric feelings. Even on my second trip I was not frightened at any point.

    For your safety I recommend researching any drug you are curious about on erowid.com. Legal stuff, general knowledge, personal experience, typical dosage, chemical make up, various pictures, it is all there. Be safe!
  15. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    Best answer I've read all day. And tbh, it's the only one that makes sense. It's why so many people who are mentally ill use both legal and illegal drugs to self-medicate.

    But I'm going to let you guys in on a secret: there is no cure for mental illness; only slow, ineffective treatments to manage the symptoms. In fact, even seeking and obtaining help for one’s mental illness is nothing but a fanciful dream for most people.

    The first step is accepting and admitting that you have a problem at all, which the vast majority of individuals never overcome. If you’re one of the few who can do that honestly and back your words with commitment, the diagnostic tests alone will take up to three months for initial results to come back, and will cost between $2000 - $2500. This covers the gathering and application of diagnostic tests and other materials, as well as the employees who perform the tests.

    After that’s done, if you’re willing to find a psychologist to help you, the process is extremely intensive and highly stressful. Even if you find one with the right specialties and who is willing to treat you at all, there’s no guarantee that THEY will be a good fit for YOU. There may be some aspect of their personality or treatment techniques that you find unappealing. You may end up having to switch psychologists, perhaps multiple times before you find one that suits you. This takes yet more time, several months in fact. Opening up the deepest aspects of your consciousness to several complete strangers in succession can be downright traumatic for the mentally ill.

    Assuming you do end up finding a psychologist, the standard protocol is at least 2 sessions per week for at least an hour each time. These sessions will run you anywhere between $180 at the barest minimum to $500 per session if you’re seeing a top-of-the-line psychologist. Depending on the type of treatment they use, you could end up having to see them for between 6 months and 3 years. Obviously you can see how this might be financially strenuous for some, especially if you have to change psychologists for some reason.

    Even after all that is said and done, there’s STILL no guarantee that these sessions will have any effect. They may be augmented by drugs (which, depending on where you live, may or may not be financially covered), but most common anti-psychotics only minimize symptoms, not treat them outright. Almost all of them come with their own slew of nasty side effects. So after all that time and money put into dealing with your mental illness, there’s a good chance you will remain exactly the same as you were before.

    And if by some miracle you DO change, there’s always the possibility of relapse. And recovering from a relapse is even harder than the initial procedure. Not only do you have to go through all the Bane Shift you already did, but you have to go through it knowing you've already failed once, and it's highly like that you'll fail again.

    Don't even get me started on the consequences of an initial misdiagnosis. I've rambled quite a bit here, but this has been frustrating me to no end for some time now and I just needed to vent.

    As far as drugs go, recreational or otherwise.............I've never done any in all honesty. Never even smoked or had single sip or alcohol. I don't really see the appeal. I'd rather remain in control of my mind and body, not having to worry about doing something I'll regret, thank you very much.
    JellyBerry likes this.
  16. JellyBerry

    JellyBerry Forum Royalty

    Possibly not too relevant to what you have posted, but do you consider the general approach towards the issue tends to be the control or removal of the object of the addiction or the addiction itself? From what I have witnessed it tends to lean towards the first. Genuinely interested on what you have to say~

    It's worth noting that where I currently reside, whilst not unheard of, psychological issues within the spectrum of depression/others are not considered a real problem (which in my opinion is bound to change drastically as time passes by, even now) and often not even thought of when faced with an addict of any kind. What does exist is this stigma towards them (as there is pretty much anywhere else) that hinders any possibility for them to become 'functioning' members of society. When people think drug addicts they think of loud, obnoxious people that are potentially dangerous and have no chances of coming back, and even when this isn't always the case (lets face it, sometimes there is nothing you can do), the entities which are in charge of attacking the problem or are meant to provide support do so with the aforementioned pre-conditioned mindset.

    Surely money being involved makes it so more pragmatic ways might be ensued within these environments, but realistically speaking they're barely offering anything to the person facing the issue. I'm not a professional of any kind regarding this matter, by the way. It's just from what I have seen and experienced through people around me these things seem to be void of any humane considerations for the most part (there are exceptions, of course) and yeah I get it to an extent, yet I don't.

    Also wholeheartedly agree when it comes to having control of your own body. It's fantastic.

    Edit: Also totally unrelated, the numbers which are thrown around when it comes to any form of healthcare in the US often blow my mind. The quantities given the currency exchange rates seem bonkers to me. I also went on looking for pills for a friend's mum who has issues with her blood pressure, and it was crazy to see that it was about $3 a pill that she often has to take sometimes up to two times in one day, even more when the box with 30 pills used to be $0.70 here with the current exchange rate. No wonder they're hard as Firk to find.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2016
  17. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    Answers in red.
    JellyBerry likes this.

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